Nur der Spaß

Aug 25, 2015 22:41

So I have a lot to write, but I feel like focusing on the fun stuff rather than everything else right now (and I don't really have time at the moment to go into everything else).

I dropped off my two rolls from the Mamiya 645 at Mr. Grant's today and he had a couple odds and ends for the baby Mamiya for me to take that he had found. He then asked me if I had heard of a type of camera, and obviously the term is unfamiliar to me because I can't remember it for the life of me now. I asked him to describe it and it started to ring a bell. It's one that takes 4"x5" film. He asked if I wanted to have one ... yes?!

So we tinkered with it and chatted for over an hour about how it functions and played with the film holders and focusing and it was such a neat little puzzle.

He said it was me or the Salvation Army and I got first dibs (plus he figured I would use it more). At the end I asked him if he was planning on leaving or something since over the last few months he's sold or given me a good chunk of equipment. He assured me he doesn't plan on going anywhere for another 10-15 years (he's 86!).

Here is the pretty:


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