Babies, Mares, and Panda

Mar 04, 2015 21:03

Tru-D has become super social over the last four weeks. It is quite an amazing change really. She is starting to border on obnoxious, which means it is time to start doing some training beyond just loving on her. Yesterday we had the farrier out again to do her feet. Since she went almost 10 months without any work whatsoever I want to do some catch-up and get ahead of the curve. Chris actually caught and held her for Kevin and she did great. Her feet are looking much better and we may just do a couple more extra rotations between to really get her where she needs to be to ensure no twisting or other funkiness around her growthplates. Her cannons and leg bones appear nice and straight thusfar and we'd like to keep them that way.

Today I led her out of the pen and hand grazed her a little. She's leading well enough now I can probably take her to work in the round pen without worrying about having trouble on the way there. I also groomed her up, cleaned her feet, and started on some exercises with the whip both to desensitize her to its presence and to get her to move away from it when asked. I also discovered that she likes udder rubs as Charm-N is so fond of.

Yesterday Ruby got grumpy at Charm-N and as she kicked out she managed to get her leg caught in the panel. Thankfully I was right there. She still pulled the panel around and rearranged her and Charm-N's stalls, but then she stood and kindof sat on the panel as my student and I pulled the pins, cut the twine and let it drop as gently as possible. She was able to step out of it without further issue and didn't have a scrape on her. I was able to put everything back together and the fence only has a slight tweak, but is functionally fine.

I gave her some Bute last night, this morning and again this evening and she seems to be moving well on it. I think she and Kitt had an argument last night as both of them have scrapes on their inner hind legs (I thought I had missed seeing scrapes from the panel, but I would have noticed them I believe after cleaning her up this afternoon and getting a close look). Mares.

I failed to mention that Christa decided to take a pass on Panda. I had called her and she sent me a text in reply and it annoyed me. I guess it's consistent with how it has all gone with Christa and Panda. Lack of communication, half-stories and the like. Whatever. She was boarding a friend's horse and decided to buy him instead despite her going on about how she didn't want to think about a horse that wasn't Panda and she rode her bareback when they were at the other boarding place and this that and the other thing. I am still annoyed.

I did have a lady come out and look at her yesterday. I don't know what it is about the timing always being when it has rained and we're restricted to the roundpen to show her. I think the only one who got to ride her in the arena was Donna (and man how I wish she could convince her husband to let her buy her!). Tammie liked her and said she'd get back to me, but we'll see how that goes.

I hate selling horses ... or maybe I just hate selling Panda.

I hope the next horse I have to sell is a Jutland foal from my first crop of Jutlands after importing them from Denmark to my ranch that doesn't exist yet. Mmm... Jutlands.

Like this little chunk. That will turn into one of these:

horses, horses: true-d, ruby, panda

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