
Feb 13, 2015 21:35

I still like the name Greta, but Chris still doesn't so I've been trying Trudy and Harley, but I don't think Harley is going to stick.

Yesterday Kevin got her back feet and she stood just this side of perfect for it. She took her right leg back once, but Kevin blamed himself more for not having her quite where she needed to be on his leg. He noted that he wished some adult horses did so well! Yay filly!

She is getting more bold and friendly. She still prefers to present her right side to be caught. I have to put the lead rope over her neck before changing sides too, but I imagine she will get less picky the more she is handled.

She and Kitt have decided to be friends. We'll have to turn them out together and see how well they buddy up. Chewy misses being queen of the little turnout. I had to shoo her out this evening so I could let the filly loose and the little mare was a bit opinionated about it.

Wednesday I had some time as my 4pm canceled last minute so I killed two birds with one stone. I rode Panda bareback with the cross under bitless bridle and practiced the emergency dismount. I admit to being a little anxious to start and I think you can see it in my riding here and there (pardon low quality phone video). She did really well. I was expecting a bit of a cerfupple when I did it at the trot, but she was absolutely perfect for it.

And I have video evidence:

image Click to view

Commentary appreciated.

Donna continues to take lessons on Panda and has been really enjoying her. She mentioned today she tried to convince her husband again that she should buy Panda and then see about rehoming her guy (a Lipizzan who can be a explosive from the sound of it), but no dice (drat). Panda got a little tight over something across the way, relaxed, then Donna had a massive sneeze and Panda jumped forward two strides, but Donna picked up the reins and Panda came right back down. If we could convince her husband they'd be a great match! Donna has the dedication to put the hours in and the skill and confidence to ride Panda successfully.

She lent me her Jane Savoi DVDs as I had lent her my Walter Zettl "Matter of Trust" set. I look forward to watching them. We also get into a lot of chatting (we spent two and a half hours when she initially came out to look at Panda) and today we talked a bit about some of the other places she has experienced, namely CARA. Some of what she said was a bit disappointing, but I may still try and go out there and see for myself. Arizona is still a bit of a wasteland when it comes to Dressage. Yes we have a state organization, but there are just a handful of shows a year (and we are a BIG state geographically so there's about three shows in the valley a year) and very few barns that have upper level horses, or even ones that can do 2nd and 3rd level. So my choices are limited if I want to advance my riding. Back in '09 I drove an hour and a half one way for lessons every other week for a few months, which was great as they had some really nice horses, but that type of time commitment isn't feasible at this point (plus that particular facility is now defunct).

Anyway, point being that I am really enjoying some of my adult clients (Debbie got an extra 20 minutes with Eden today because I lost track of time). It's nice being able to go into deeper theory and get more back and forth communication and questions. I do enjoy the kids, but the adults are a nice change of pace.

I had another person come out who is interested in lessons for a meet and greet and this morning a guy showed up (guided by the neighbors across the way who board) asking about lessons too. I don't know if I'll be needing to advertise at all once the property is set up...

horses: eden, video, horses, horses: true-d, pictures, riding lessons, panda

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