Long Day

Feb 07, 2015 23:18

Today started officially at 7:30 meeting up with Haley who will be shadowing/interning/being a working student/doing her practicum for her Equine Science Associates.

We started with feeding the herd, the first lesson was at 8am and my first working student arrived too. She and Haley worked during the first lesson and Haley watched during the second lesson. My 10am is sick so we picked up the water buckets from the property and went over some of the supplements I give and also how I keep my schedule, record payments, and write down lesson notes. At 11am we had another lesson, noon another lesson and working student #2 that Haley helped with, and 1pm I had a group with Chayse and Haley. I left Haley with the harnesses to clean when I headed for Sue's lesson. Had I known both Sue and Henry weren't feeling well I would have had Haley tag along while I worked him. Ah well.

Bud did well on the long lines in the open bridle, which was a little surprising.

When I got back we fed the herd and also fussed with the filly. She actually had her halter on and off several times today and by the end she started following a little instead of having to be asked for each step. We tried measuring her, but she wasn't too keen on my moving my hand under her belly to try and get the tape. I did get her to tolerate wrapping the lead rope around her barrel and also succeeded in getting her height. We'll have to measure again when she is officially a year and after her feet are done. Supposedly they are 90% of their adult height at a year which would mature her out between 15 and 15.1hh. We have a few years to find out!

We're not sure about heading to church or not. With the Measles scare and Kelhan being just three weeks away from his Measles vaccination it's up in the air. We may send Tristan with Marty, but not sure.

I do think the anti-vaccination movement is a bit ridiculous. They had a call in show on NPR and an AV lady called in and despite the person she was questioning sighting thousands of studies, trials, etc. supporting the effectiveness and efficacy of vaccinations and the lady just said "I don't believe that." Flat out refusing any input that didn't align with her preconceived notions. Yes sometimes there are side effects for vaccines, but the likelyhood for injury from the diseases they guard against is much higher.

Anyway... that got off track. I think tomorrow I'll mess with the filly again and see about cleaning her fronts and play with doing something with her backs more. Maybe a round with the toothpicks and some treats as I have Chatham scheduled for Monday to give her her first round of shots.

And new icon because I can and decided maybe I could manage a paid account again (after 10 years not having one, heh).

horses, horses: true-d, riding lessons, intern, working student

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