Hoping It Is Something Else

Aug 13, 2014 21:51

Reading this evening. It sounds a lot like heart failure, specifically on the right side, apparently the left side causes other symptoms.

Increased heart rate, the edema, and other things are signs.

I feel like I've already lost her.

I feel like I've failed her.

I need to just go to bed.

Chatham comes out tomorrow morning for another blood draw.

Hopefully, maybe, the anemia is better. Hopefully that will help her heart rate come down and help it pump more efficiently and get rid of the edema in her chest and sternum.

I was getting hopeful too. The edema on the right had gone down some and then she's started in her hip across her thighs.

I want an answer, but now I am afraid. For her sake I want it sooner rather than later. For her sake I want this resolved quickly.

Four years old. She's four. There were supposed to be another twenty years or more. I'm talking like she's already gone. I need to stop and go to bed.

ETA: And then I wonder if Panda is here because I am losing her daughter. I am following my own advise now and going to bed. I wish Chris weren't closing tonight. Another hour before he is here.

horses, horses: health, zetahra

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