yesterday i stayed inside all day with only my phone and keyboard as means of human contact.
this morning i woke up hungover feeling...
must've been all that tinyroom chainsmoking.
so i cleaned out drawers and shelves. found a mentionable about of powder-packet things to add to water for some reason. like "boost your deals! vitamin powder!" and something thats supposed to be good for my skin. i dont buy it. but the skin one made the water turn blue and taste like gatorade, so that was fun.
i've started making christmas things :)
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i guess i'm just in the mood, y'know.
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i'm going to watch the whole movie tonight when i get home from seeing "owen" at the middle east.
johnny and i are moving in with sarachase towards the end of december.
i couldn't be happier about that. i couldn't be happier about him. and about everything.