Something that I think is interesting here is how many different flavors you can get from a brand that you're familiar with having only ONE flavor at home. Mostly I think it has to do with the fact that foreigners want a different flavor, and/or don't care so much for the ONE flavor at home. But here, there are different flavors of Kit Kats (ginger ale anyone?), Lipton teas, and...soda! As pictured here, Pepsi has offered different flavors before and has brought out yet another different flavor. Here we've got azuki (red bean) flavored Pepsi. If you're getting a gross-out knee jerk reaction, then please, control yourself. I know these kinds of things would never fly at home, because so many people are easily grossed out by trying something different. So how did trying this drink go? Not bad! First of all, I'm a fan of red bean and pretty much grew up on it. It basically tasted like a fizzy red bean drink with a slight splash of cola.