'Tis the season of fannish manifestos.
My goal is to pick apart all of those unspoken assumptions to show how and why we don't pay fannish attention to characters of color and what happens when we do. If you wish you shipped more non-white pairings, maybe this will help you understand what's missing in your current fandoms and where to look for something different instead of just feeling guilty and moping. If you're a bullying asshole, maybe this will help you direct your energy somewhere more productive.
Yikes. Perhaps we should consider the possibility that an overwhelming urge to post a lengthy rant defending the moral rectitude of white fans in the face of reasonable concerns about representation is born not from a desire to enlighten, but from a desire to say shut up and go away, your feelings of being excluded and erased are harshing my squee.
In any case, 16,000 words of righteous indignation has adversely affected my digestion.