So, that tired old list of what women should do to avoid being raped is
making the rounds over on Tumblr. You know, don't wear your hair long, don't linger in parking lots, make sure your clothes are hard to take off, blah, blah, blah. Which is bad enough, given that a) once again, the responsibility for preventing rape is being placed on the potential victim and b)once again, the fact that women are far more likely to be raped by someone they know is being completely ignored. Yeah, bad enough that perpetuating myths about rape places women in danger. But then the OP topped off this godawful post with this:
HOW MANY WAYS CAN YOU FAIL IN ONE POST? Misinformation? Check. Buying into the rape culture? Check. Blatant racism? Check. Good God, it's a perfect storm of ghastly fail. And what kills me is that young women are reblogging this thing with grateful comments like "valuable information for girls!" and "this could save a life!". Jesus fucking Christ.
*sigh* Okay, I'm done. Going over to my sister's place to make free use of her wine.
Snopes post debunking the original "tips".