Sep 17, 2008 05:55
There has been so much going on for me. For starters I am sick with a cold brought on by a weakens immune system. I have just been working so much that my body pulled one of it’s famous “fuck you”s. I am felling slightly better now than I was yesterday though so I hope I am on the mend.
Scholl starts Monday and after much talk ( with many key people) I have decided it would be the in best interests of my health and education if I quit my job while in school. I am not going to lie, it is going t make things financial pressed but I feel that is more manageable then the emotional and physical stress working and going to school puts on me.
Despite all the stress and illness, I am happier than I have been in a very long time. The guy that helped me out the night I had my migraine and I are seeing each other. It has gotten very real very quick. He treats me like a freaking princess and tells that he wants to keep doing that, like forever. It is all fast but it feels so right. We both feel that way. Right now he is on his way to Arkansas to help a friend out. It is gonna be a long week with him gone, school starting and my Brina leaving ( I am so proud and happy for you!!!!!).