Now no one die of shock but I went out last night. It was good time. I’ll tell more about that in a bit. But the story I want to tell is not about going out but how I got invited.
I went downtown to pay my rent. On the way back thorough I saw a guy sitting playing a guitar. I thought it would be cool to go listen. I love to listen to acoustic music. However when I got back he was gone. Then I was him walking down the street. Oddly enough I was getting stuck on traffic and about the same pace he was walking. He kinda looked lost. He wandering, aimlessly it seemed.
Decide ding that the day was to nice to sit at home I parked and headed to look in on the shops. We have some really great shops downtown. Not a half a block from my car I saw him again. I was going to say hello as we passed on the sidewalk but he looked down and away from me and I chickened out.
I walked and window shopped for a while, maybe an hour then I saw him again sitting on a bench playing. This time I asked him if he minded me sitting and listening. He didn't. Naturally, after a while of listening, we got to talking. We talked about music mostly. After a while he said he was headed to the other side of town, where I lived. I offered him a ride as I was going home for dinner anyway.
When I dropped him off at Albertson’s he said that he and is buddies hung out a local Chinese restaurant and lounge called the Pacific Express. I told me I should come by and have a drink.
As I said it was a good time. There was a back garden with a fire pit. I got to meet most of the band he plays with. He is the bassist, though he plays all the other interments as well. He and one the guitarist ( not the lead) played and sang. I meet lots of new people. I stayed out till 11:30 (which is late when you have been up since 5 AM).
Today he has gig at a local winery. I told me I should stop by if I wanted to. I think I might. I have to go to another winery where my fellow students will be severing smoked BBQ pork ribs. This town will pack in with tourists. All the wineries are open and busy this weekend. It is what they call “spring release weekend” when they unveil the years new wines. I think I might go do some tasting.
I am happy to have made a new friend and to have plans for the today. Seems like this turtle is finally poking her head out of her shell.