After my crackers I got very sick. I count it as a blessing because after that I fell much better. I had no trouble going right to sleep. Staying a sleep was something else but I feel rest and awake now. So yay.
I think I will have mea cuppa joe and some toast then hit the books. I fell farley confident about this final as I woke up reciting fact about Mercury to myself. Personally, I would have rather to woken up to Danny Masterson (Hyde, from that 70s Show) voice telling me that the alarm clack were tools of the government again.
OH! I had a dream that I got a happy bunny sticker in the mail with a note that said only “Merry Christmas!” The sticker (see below) is one that always makes me thing of Seth Green. In an outtake form one of the Austin Powers movies he spins in Dr. Evils chair really fast then says: “I think I threw up in my mouth a little”. In the dream the stick was singed by Seth. There was no return address on the envelope but the post mark was Santa Monica. Weird huh?