Sep 06, 2005 09:04
I would just like to take some time to rebel. I'm not rebelling against anything that's life altering, but instead facing a real problem in today's society. That problem, ladies and gents-is man thigh. Now, i'm not a fashion guru (as i sit here in a hug gray teeshirt, and even bigger sweatpants,) but from every angle i apporach this, man thigh is just not somthing i want to spend my day looking at. You know the young men i'm talking about-the ultra abercrombie man, with pre-placed holes in his $70 jeans. Some of the pre-placed holes are located high up on the thigh region. Girls, i'm sure your all with me when i say, pasty white-never seen the sun,pretty furry man thigh does not ring any bells that i'm aware of. In reality, it makes photos of my grandpa's basketball shorts flash quickly in front of my eyes. The 1930's look, all high cut and snuggish. Guys, is that the picture you want young ladies to imagine when you strut by? No, i'm hoping. ANd if you're into the high cut snuggish look-more power to ya, but i'm willing to bet this was not the desired image. So band together, rebel against the pre-man thigh cut jeans..rebel.