I post today not to post about the daf, but to say that for unrelated reasons I was looking at how many dafs are in Pesachim and it's 121.
Ohhhhh, we're half-way there! Oh oh, livin' on a prayer!
Well, living on korbanos, which we are discussing now and will be discussing for a while. But since korbanos turned into prayer, Jon Bon Jovi is perhaps entirely correct.
Okay, something actually relevant to Pesachim although not today's daf: Rabbanit Michelle Farber commented on the hadran at the end of perek 4 that referenced Pesach Rishon and the hadran at the end of perek 9 will reference Pesach Sheni. She said that someone (she gave proper credit to the person, I just don't recall who it was) told her that originally in the time of the geonim the 10th perek was grouped with the first 4 and called Pesach Rishon, and all the korbanos prakim were grouped together and called Pesach Sheni. Then the masechtot got organized together at some point and thus Pesachim, the plural.
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