December posting meme daily list, for which I am taking prompts]
donutsweeper: Fried foods. Favorite one, least favorite, what you wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, what you'd load your plate with, ever tried to make some (and did it work?), weird recipes/niche foods you've read/seen/tried (ala deep fried candybars or butter or whatever), and, of course, favorite donut and what toppings you put on your latkes.
I submit to you all: latkes are not good.
They soak up so much oil that that's all they taste of, and they require toppings to make them edible. Toppings should be to enhance the experience, not cover things up, but yet I cannot finish a latke without smoothering it in apple sauce, and even then sometimes I can't anyway.
It's a terrible, terrible thing to do a poor innocent potato. "Lanna, why not bake them? There's probably baked latke recipes," you may say. That won't fix the texture issue, but also, if the point is to be fried in oil, that's not the point. And anyway, if we're gonna do that, let's just eat roast potatoes. Roast potatoes are good.
No, the one true Chanuka food is sufganiyot. While they can sometimes be made too oily, that is balanced by the jam and the sugar. Excellent food, a+++. Even a bad one is still edible.
Also, we were never made to grate ingredients for sufganiyot on a box grater back in school. Ugh. These days at least you can buy pre-grated potatoes. (It's also possible you could buy pre-grated potatoes even back then but tptb would rather make us do it instead so we'd learn to hate latkes. It worked very well for me!)
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