extrapenguin, quoting
a writing thing where, on Sunday, you post six sentences from an unfinished work. It can be a new fic, a new chapter of a WIP, or even something you’re not sure you’ll ever post.
Choose an excerpt from any section (and it doesn’t have to be six sentences) and post it, letting people know what it belongs to or indicating that it’s something you’re working on.
Not the most recent one I've touched and not the most recent one I've started, but the one I want to get off my ass and finish the most, because it's the "most close to done" of the many many languishing highlander fics that I started so long ago I don't even know when: the highlander one where Joe Meets Methos In Chicago And Used To Be A Watcher, distinguished only from The One Where Joe Meets Methos In Chicago But Never Used To Be A Watcher by the fact that... it has more words?
I really want to get this one done but it needs me figuring out how I want it to end and then tying it off in a little bow. (it's post-Galati where Joe got thrown out of the Watchers, and all the Horseman stuff happens over the course of the fic but Joe isn't directly involved.)
At first, he's just a guy at the bar. Old enough that the bartender doesn't need to card him, young enough that she probably is carding him anyway. He's dressed a little better than most of Joe's usual clientele, but it's subtle. He's not giving off flashy rich boy signs, at least.
"I'm Adam," he says when Joe approaches. "I've bought the place next door."
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