ATTN Queer Jews

Jan 20, 2019 09:53

Queer matchmaking site Yente Over The Rainbow has launched (this is the Site Formerly Known As Saw You At Stonewall).

Their opening blurb:
Yente Over the Rainbow (YOTR) is a matchmaking service for LGBTQIA+ Jewish people, helping you find other folks in our communities and connect online. While we aim to make the site an ongoing matchmaking service (with both an algorithm option and matchmaker option), for the time being, YOTR will only be open for a few months at a time, so that we can continue to work out the bugs, listen to your feedback, and develop the best app and site possible!

Our first cycle will begin on January 20, 2019, when you will have 2 weeks to fill out your profile. Then, on February 4, you will be given the option to receive 2 matches made by our algorithm. Two weeks after that, on February 18, you will be given the option to receive two more matches. After that, you will still be able to view and message with your matches, but you will not receive any new matches until the following cycle. You may also permanently delete your profile at anytime and for any reason. As we continue to grow, future cycles will provide the option to use a volunteer matchmaker, rather than a computer algorithm, to suggest matches. Also, in the future, when we have a bigger database of people, you will receive your matches made by the algorithm instantaneously, rather than waiting between the time you fill out your profile and when you receive your match.

There's more info below on the page. I was a little concerned about privacy stuff but they do currently say that info is visible only to matchmakers and matches, nothing will be left public. I was on a thing where some people were really really pushing for this to become a generic dating site where you could look at various profiles and contact people and it's like, well, that already exists? Sure I only spent like 5 minutes on jdate, but that's jdate, and I'm sure there's other sites. This is a replacement for Saw You At Sinai and that kind of thing.

Anyway, here's their full privacy policy in case anyone else is concerned.

(If you do sign up, I am not affiliated with them in any way, so I have zero control over any of the options or wording.)

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