December posting meme daily list, for which I am taking prompts]
So back in June,
I did a post of things that were actually in progress. It is almost exactly 6 months later (I think, don't ever listen to me on counting numbers,
I do everything in my life in excel), so here is an update on those!
- Trans Gregor Vorbarra - POSTED!
- 2011 Nanowrimo - *cries* I do honestly intend to get this posted by the end of the year. By "clean it up" I guess I meant "let's add 10K words to it". I don't know where those words have gone, and also I did finally split a digression off into being its own tiny fic, which might have set a bad precedent, we shall see. But right now, I'm aiming to post on my birthday? But I'm not holding myself to that at all, especially since my original intended deadline was November. tl;dr it's a mess, but it's a 63K word mess.
- Piotr POV on Time Traveling Gregor Vorbarra - still in progress, I even wrote on it today! I updated the structure yesterday, which fixed some problems but not everything. It still has the slash and I'm not taking it out, the slash is the only reason for this fic to exist. It needs a chunk of about 300-500 words that I do not know what they are in the middle, because why do I back myself into these corners on structure, why do I do that to myself.
- Ezar plotting out dismembering Yuri. - somewhat in progress, mostly abandoned, except it's 99% done, so I'll probably look at it in a month and decide it's 100% done and post it.
- Ezar adopts Padma. -- 3 of them posted, 3 more in active progress, but they all have to be worked on and probably posted together since it's all on top of each other in terms of timeline, and also see above about me putting myself into stupid corners on structure. One of them is 90% done, another is 70% done, and the third just took a major structure change but it means it finally has words and internal coherence and might be 50% done. The total word count on these fics is 28K. Why. And the notes document is 1.7K words. Why why why.
And other stuff that's been touched recently that isn't yuletide (yuletide main is done and posted, the treats probably won't be, but who knows, treats have spontaneously come into existence in the last week in the past, and I did right before bed last night do yet another try at the treat of destiny that's had four failed attempts already):
- Actually putting down the Sisterhood Of The Traveling Ugly Wedding Present between Aral and Padma, this will probably resolve itself into a double drabble once I hit it with something. Needs a better title than "Hot Potato". (I think I blame this one on Liegelord but it might have predated it, I have no memory.)
- Merge Point postscript where Sam finds out Baby's dead. Also will probably end up a double drabble after editing violence is done to it. This one, thank god, does have a title. It is "Postscript". ...it probably should have a better title.
- Acafannish/metatextual mutterings about the treaty between the Vorkosigans and the Vorrutyers that got Piotr's parents married and led directly to Piotr marrying Olivia, aka the reason everyone died in the massacre is because of Dorca's marital problems. Self-indulgent ouroboros of shame. (This one grew out of Petya meeting Duv; it shows, a lot.)
- The requisite Problem Of Susan, which was started in February, and since it is a tiny ficlet, poking at it across 10 months is overkill. But never let it be said that I cannot drag things out. (This one got started because every Problem Of Susan fic deals with Susan having to bury her family, but I was like "wait, from where do we know that the bodies didn't vanish, too")
- Aral and Padma about the fact that Ezar thought Padma wants to be Emperor. This one is a mess. It's probably also done if I can made word choice decisions and put in a transition or two. (It is very funny going between this and Liegelord.)
- "No Aral Barrayar" which I always forget which one it is. This is the one where Aral gets killed by the mutineers. Needs a title and an ending. I think I'm also gonna rename that damn draft so I can ever identify it...
- This one barely counts, but I did rescue it from the pits of gmail in the last week or so: Betan!Miles going back to Barrayar for Gregor's majority.
Yeah, some people work on one fic and actually finish it. I BUTTERFLY.
I'm also easily influenced, so if something sounds really up your speed, I make no promises, but I might put more effort into it? Or at least try to put more effort into it? I am very practiced at banging my head against something and getting nowhere and then having a breakthough while doing the dishes.
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