December meme: Comfort stuff

Dec 02, 2018 14:11

[December posting meme daily list, for which I am taking prompts]

Prompt from
donutsweeper: comfort foods/watches/reads/listen tos

Comfort songs:

I tend to like songs with a steady beat. My winamp playlist has been going on since 2006 or thereabouts (current number of entries in it: 2,983) and you can see geologic layers where songs are in a row a lot, that is often an obsessive "must listen to this song constantly" but sometimes it's also there as "must listen to this song constantly to remain calm". I am often sensitive to sounds and stuff, so having Good Sounds is vital.

The most notable recent song of this in my playlist is The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, which has all the calm songs elements: strong steady beat, non-upsetting lyrics, good singing. This is actually Timely since I had a hypervigilance thing late last night that dove into panic attack and was listening to that to calm the fuck down. But there were several days where I was listening to that on full-time repeat just to get through a day at work. It is a well-crafted "calm the fuck down" song.

I also have my fair share of Fall Out Boy in this and some Green Day or Leonard Cohen or Mountain Goats (I am gonna make it! Through this year! If it kills me!)... basically anything I know well, that won't upset me. If I'm really angry, I'm more punk rock. If I'm rocking back and forth, ballads are my friends. But, yeah, things with steady beats for mood regulation are good, things that can be sung along to for focusing. And nothing with upsetting sounds in it.

As far as comfort fic, it is impossible to go wrong with Spoctoria (Star Trek AOS where Spock is the king of the Federation and Jim is a prince and it's apparently The Young Victoria, which I have not seen) and And Never Been Kissed (Hockey RPF, Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin).

Comfort poetry:
-Atlantis-A Lost Sonnet by Eavan Boland
-Nearly a Valediction by Marilyn Hacker
-The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot
-Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
-Resumé by Dorothy Parker
-Invitation To Miss Marianne Moore by Elizabeth Bishop
-In Memory of W. B. Yeats by W. H. Auden

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