"To socialize" = "to get someone's input on something"
"it was socialized" = "we got people's input on something"
In a sentence: we need to socialize Elrond about the One Ring.
This one hit me so hard out of the blue this morning, I actually asked the person what they meant (it was also in an e-mail she forwarded overnight and she's never said it before, so I blame that dude from the e-mail for this). She has now said "socializing" etc too many times, including "we now need to undo the socializing that was done" to mean "we need to send out a new version and explain the changes", from best I can tell. As for "we need to socialize this through the $approvingoffice", idek.
Still not over, btw, the person last year who constantly said "let's backchannel about this" to mean "let's discuss this outside the meeting".
first of seven meetings today after having six consecutive meetings yesterday i hate my job
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