- Sometimes with dreams you can only remember stuff that exists in the natural when you wake up.
- Joy comes from knowing the truth.
- There is life after hell.
1. Sometimes with dreams you can only remember stuff that exists in the natural when you wake up.
· Sometimes you can remember a dream clearly, but you can’t remember a face, or the color of someone’s hair. What I’ve learned is that when what you can’t remember about a dream is something specific like that, it is usually something that doesn’t exist in the natural world. For example, if you wake up and cannot remember the color of someone’s hair in a dream and you ask God to show it to you again so that you will know, you might find that their hair was bright orange and made of fire that flowed like water. You’re not used to that, so when you wake up, you might only remember that they had beautiful hair, but have no idea what it looked like.
· There are also times when you’ll have specific parts of dreams you don’t remember, not because something didn’t exist in the natural, but because it wasn’t behaving like it would in the natural. For example, one time I had a vision of a period of time after my wedding. I wanted to know what my wedding dress would look like, so I tried to revision it and still couldn’t tell. I could clearly see that I was wearing a wedding dress, I just couldn’t tell what it looked like. God allowed me to see the vision again, close up and in slow motion and I found that the dress was changing. So I didn’t see just one dress, but a plethora of dresses changing before my eyes and being worn as one. That’s a pretty good reason why I wouldn’t remember when trying to recall just one. J
2. Joy comes from knowing the truth.
· Jesus said He came so we might know the truth and have joy. But sometimes we can’t see the truth through the fact. Ex. Fact: someone died; Truth: you’ll see them again à People concentrate on the negative fact and forget the positive truth. We must remember, if it’s bad, it’s not the truth. For the truth brings joy!
3. There is life after hell.
· God is love. Love never fails. Since God is Love and He cannot fail, how could He lose hundreds, thousands, or millions of souls to the devil? It’s just not possible. He loves us too much for that. There must be another chance for those condemned to hell. If not, how could anyone in heaven be happy knowing their family, friends, or just other human souls were being tortured? Plus, the devil can’t win. He’s already been defeated. Even if he loses the war and doesn’t get every human soul, if he’s allowed to keep any person, he’s won the battle of one human life. The wages of sin are death, so uncleansed sin will result in death and going to hell. But just like there is life after death, there is life after hell. (And that should bring you joy!)