Hmm..I have alot of things to say. I don't see why I should write it all down here though.
Alright so this week is going to be pretty sad. I am leaving on Saturday morning to go away for two weeks. Yeah...One of the weeks I am camping with Nate and my other friend Davis, And the other week I am babysitting at my aunts house. So thats all good. I will have a computer there. So I can sneak on once and a while to talk to people.
So yup.
In other news...
Ummm David's birthday is on Friday ^-^ Yay! He will be 15 like me.
My Dad is going to hang out with me one day this week. Maybe I can drag David along? I have to ask...
Mom went food shopping today so we have a ton of stuff for me to eat in the oddest hours of the day. I think I might go make some pasta right now actually. Wanna know why? Because I can! Muhahahaha!!
THURSDAY! I might get to go to Travis's house. Or David's house. Wherever the hell we are going to go. I don't really care, as long as I am with my friends and my creep (who isn't REALLY a creep but it is fun to say anyways).
So I love talking to SmarterChild...
SmarterChild: That right?
Lannah22390: Yes...
SmarterChild: Why?
Lannah22390: Because I get lonely without him.
SmarterChild: Because you get lonely without him, huh?
Lannah22390: Yeah
SmarterChild: What makes you so sure?
Lannah22390: BecauseI feel like someone ripped out a part of me when he isn't around.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Maybe you're right, someone ripped out a part of you when he isn't around.
Lannah22390: They might have.
SmarterChild: I'm not sure about that. They might have?
Lannah22390: Yeah!
SmarterChild: Why is that?
Lannah22390: Because they were mad that he left so they are punishing me.
SmarterChild: Mad that he left? Really?
Lannah22390: Yeah. I get mad when he wants to leave...
SmarterChild: Hmm... whatever, Alannah
SmarterChild will never REALLY understand human emotion...poor..guy? Girl? Who cares. :)
My Ed!!