Oct 25, 2011 00:23
Dear Princess Celestia
Dear LJ,
I gave you a number of feedback submissions today. I am writing them here in this open letter as well.
You removed the shortcuts to a user's profile on the hover menu, which was way more useful than having a ban button there.
If you're going to change things, can you give us the choice rather than imposing defaults which are useless? Maybe folks who run big communities like ontd need it, but the rest of us don't need a ban button nearly as often as we'd like to directly access someone's profile.
There is a great deal of wasted space in that box as it seems to be a square but the whole right half of it is empty. it looks sloppy.
Also, you didn't release that this change to your UI was being rolled out. It's really annoying when you guys do that. Can you at least have a comm with a running list of changes? yeah I know change is scary and ruffled feathers, but I think you might see there is some benefit to having a place where people can react to changes and see them happen, rather than feeling angry when you suddenly remove features they like.
in regards to the text in comments and when posting entries. I am currently posting this and can see the LJ default. I do not have any font overrides that might be causing this issue. I can tell you I desperately want a font override. The text in the HTML editor is thin and difficult to read. it looks like it crawled, with grasping, zombielike tenacity, from a listerve from the early 1990s.
I hope this is a mistake. It looks like a mistake. Why in the world would anyone change their font purposefully so that it resembled notepad when the default font still found in other parts of the site is so much more legible? If some poor, misguided UI designer told you this would be a beneficial change and easier to read? They are sadly mistaken.
Please fix this bug.
No Love,
Twilight Sparkle
(if you haven't noticed what I am talking about, if you have it enabled, hover over my user pic, and then try and leave me a comment. Caution: the font currently in use is horrid and could only be worse if it were wingdings.)
edit to add: I have an icon on this post, but you wouldn't know it if you looked at my friend's page, as it only shows my default.
THAT is clearly a bug and I am going to report it now.
open letter from a paid user,
lj fail