I needed letterhead for my SGA big bang preview thing. I like it but I think it works better smaller since you can't tell I'm using stuff from various places. Preview thing is 1/3 the way done.
The Gear in the center is to represent the huge population of Mad Scientists in the country.
The crown is because they are an Empire and it represents the Monarchy.
The flanking Beaver and Wolf represent the Native population and the Immigrant population. The beaver also represents a big export before the main export of Canada became Science! The Native population, much like the Native population in the Union and the Confederacy is socially very werewolf, even if not everyone is one. The pack behavior bled into the "normal" people so it's symbolic of the group as a whole.
The maple leaf is another nod to the french canadian portion of the Empire. I'm fudging history and pushing it's wide adoption early by about 30 years though.