Sep 14, 2005 22:09
I'm so sick of not being happy. I cry non-stop, and nothing seems to be getting any better. I make myself sick from crying so much. I forgot what it is like to love anyone. I don't tell anyone I love them anymore. Not even my parents. I don't feel loved so why should I return it?
I've hit an all time low. My heart can't possibly break any more b/c there's nothing left of it.
I try not to complain a lot, but I have been so patient. I'm ashamed of myself. I have nothing going for me at all, and it's all my fault. I'm afarid of what might happen to me in the future. I need help, and I'm not getting it.
I wish I could explain myself better and be happier w/myself. As of right now, that is impossible. I'm stressed out to the max. I don't sleep. I hardly eat. I haven't done anything I would consider fun since who knows when.
I thought I was getting better. I'm not. I hate being used. I've tried so hard just to suck it up. I've held so much inside I'm about ready to bust. I bound to have a breakdown sooner or later. I'm scared of that. I lack self-confidence. I always have. I try to not physically hurt myself and in return I just hurt myself mentally.
I'm going to stop complaining now.