been wanting to update for the longest time, but i've been really busy (lazy) to do anything. work keeps piling up and there never seem to be enough time for me to do my own thing (actually got la, i'm just lazy. and busy. playing scrabble on facebook.)
anyway i was in edinburgh for 2 weeks in april, courtesy of british council singapore. really enjoyed it la. will post some pics when i am not sooo lazy. haha.
got back my results for unit 1 last thurs, hehe. really happy with it, even though i did the majority of the work in the very last week after i got back from scotland. cannot be so last minute next time!
anyway i shall post 2 random photos lying around on my desktop. one of which is my unit 1 submission, and the other is a photo taken in bangkok last april, with my parents and sister. so fast 1 year liao. :P