Political observation behind the cut
I've noticed this in every presidential campaign I've been old enough to remember, but the current one has brought it into much clearer focus for me.
We've all heard it many times over the years. Candidate X promises that if you vote for him you'll get something. Tax breaks, no new taxes, free health care, whatever the case may be.
What are they really saying here?
Let's take a closer look at this very common practice by simplifying the message.
"Vote me into office and I'll cut your taxes / give you free stuff."
"Vote for me and I'll make sure you have more money in your pockets."
"Vote for me and I'll give you money"
Is that logical progression simple enough? Can everyone follow that?
How is this not buying votes?
How is this different from adding a cash dispenser to voting machines?
I feel insulted every time I hear a candidate say these things. I don't need the government to guarantee my financial security, I went out and got a job so that I could guarantee my own financial security. There are far more important issues at stake for the future of this country than my bank account balance.
My vote is not for sale.
Is yours?
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
Benjamin Franklin
On a slightly related note: With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching I recommend everyone do a little research into the story of the founding of the Plymouth Colony, and the events that lead up to the first thanksgiving. It will probably surprise you.