Вот такие волшебные вещи существуют в мире оказывается, а я узнаю о них последней)))
один из моих жж-френдов (
pavel_kosenko) повстречал это чудо в Армении о чем я прочитала сегодня его
Концепция happy bus
OssiBussi is a crosscultural installation on six wheels. We are about six people living in an old, colourful bus, traveling slowly around the world. The route started from Finland through Eastern Europe and Balkans, Turkey and then to Caucasus and Central-Asia. We do art workshops together with children and anybody on the way. The trip started from Finland in the end of August 2008, and there were five people on board by then; but it´s probable that we already picked some hitchhikers to travel with us… Right now we are in amazing Kyrgyzstan! Some key words that interest us: Performance, campfires, painting, dance, live music, biking, photography, cinematography, good vegan food, reading, writing, acrobalance, new circus, contact improvization, trekking, friends, languages, watching clouds… Welcome to participate the project somewhere on the road!с