Feb 27, 2009 17:09
It was a sixth grade lesson about what they wanted to be when they grew up. I had my back to the class, writing on the board.
One of the boys sitting at the back of the room shouted out:
"I want cock!"
Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I really don't think there is. If a kid shouts that out halfway through a class, I will burst out laughing whether I am twenty-five years old or not, and I will feel completely justified in doing so.
"No you don't; you're twelve." I replied, turning around.
The kid had no idea what I had said, but he gathered I was laughing at him and thought it was because he had made a mistake.
"I... want to... be... a cock?" he corrected himself, and he mimed putting on a hat.
I stared, utterly baffled, until it finally clicked:
"Cook. You want to be a cook."
Worst katakana word ever.
[You can't say 'cock'.] I explained in Japanese. [It... ah... means something different in English.]
[What does it mean, sensei?] asked a girl.
I turned to her soberly. [It means 'male chicken'.]
She laughed, levelled her pointing finger at the boy. "Cock! You want to be cock!"
Of course I couldn't tell them. Tell a class of twelve-year-olds what it means in English and they will never forget, they will use the word inappropriately, obnoxiously all the time andI will be fired.
slice of life