Sep 15, 2005 19:18
I went to the hair shop again. Parts of my hair are now the colour and texture of dry straw. Overall, I’m pleased, but there’s still the creeping dread that it’s going to break off and disintegrate every time I touch it. Oh well, even if it does, it’s going to grow back- it is hair after all, and capable of regenerating over time.
More importantly though:
The immense fan-created game Thief: Shadows of the Metal Age has been released. From what I hear, it’s rather good even when judged against commercially produced games.
Back in 1998, Thief: The Dark Project was the first FPS style game that I’d ever played. Even after this many times around, ‘The Haunted Cathedral’ still is a bit of a challenge on hard mode, and the thing that Constantine’s mansion becomes gets delighted gasps and giggles every time. The (almost) tentacle rape scene was as cool as it was unexpected.
The Metal Age is, of course, my favourite. I get hot and bothered when I think about the whirring of flywheels and the clanking of gears and pistons though, which may account for a portion of my adoration. Huge, sprawling missions to explore and enjoy filled with nutty zealots and the mechanical abominations they create. 'The Life of the Party' was a dizzying frolic across rooftops which I love more than I ought to love any game which involves quite so much of falling off things.
The recent Thief: Deadly Shadows was flawed in so many ways, but still pretty. The “ultimate hunter assassins”, for example, that are sent to pursue Garrett halfway through the game are terrible- they’re built up as these silent, sneaky predators and when they’re unleashed, they rampage through the streets screeching like daleks, massacring anything that crosses their paths. I took a break from my “no killing” rule and exterminated the whole silly lot of them in sheer disgust. The orphanage mission with its hideous, creepy puppets is blindingly good though, as is the clock tower mission.
I might take another jaunt through The Metal Age before I sample the delights of the fan-made game.