I need to get me some wheels. The kind with a chair pastede on.
Hopping around on one leg with crutches isn't cutting it.
It's way too tiring and getting too tired = more pain. I can hate the idea of having to use a wheelchair as much as I want to, but the fact is that I just don't go outside anymore because of this.
I'm 29 years old and I think I've been out of the house, by myself, two hours max these past two months. I am too young to sit behind the geraniums and wither away like that. Wouldn't be that serious if it were something temporary, but it's not. It hasn't been for over 14 months.
Time to face some simple truths.
Wheelchair is one.
Second, I might be eligible for one of these, even:
Thirdly I need to move from this house even more than before. Those stairs are killing me. I can't bloody well either sleep in the living room or pee in a pot upstairs during the night just because I might break my neck while taking the stairs... :S
Just taking those stairs to be able to sleep, go to the bathroom, get clean etc accounts for way too much energy lost on unnecessary (theoretically highly dangerous) stunts. If this thing is very much about pacing, I still have a long way to go in helping myself doing just that.
Hopefully I'll get some outside help from the pertinent places/people/institutions/governmental thingamajiggs now that I am ready to start excepting such.