Nov 21, 2009 17:01
So I was talking to a buddy of mine about HIMYM (How I met your mother for the uninitiated.) and he was complaining about Alyson Hannigan's acting talents. My first response was a very flustered "Whaaat!" Then I went home and re-watched "Grave"... Sweet. Doe-eyed. Jesus. That is some awful acting. I just kept thinking "how is this the same actor that gave us Vamp!Willow, or the scene in "The Body", or in "Passion", or "Wild at Heart". It just did not compute. Now whenever I see her all I can hear is "What, no." or the famously god-awful line "get off me super bitch!" (Okay that last one is totally the writers fault, but she could have at least tried to do something with it!) Then the yellow crayon scene comes and there I am crying like a very large, hairy, manly girl... Dammit.
meta style.