Brief Update

Sep 21, 2009 22:17

New job has been going fairly well. It's always odd adjusting to new people, procedures, and politics. Not that I should be surprised, but I am already knee deep in office BS. I will be shocked if I stay more than a year or two here, but hey, what's new...

I've been exhausted since the job started due to a combination of factors. Last week's all derby all the time schedule kept me too wired to sleep early, plus sore and achy during the waking hours.

Had the bout Saturday and we won - which means we will be playing my favorite team (and perpetual underdogs for the last 2 years) the Night Terrors at the championships in October. I'm not very competitive on my best days, and I love too many of those girls to really mind who comes out on top... I was coming off of a couple of scrimmages that left me feeling AWESOME, and I played fairly well. I wasn't hitting, but I stayed in front of people and felt alright. My shin splints started acting up almost immediately despite liberal application of pain meds and lots of stretching. Then they made me jam. I didn't even make it through the pack while Jess scored 13 points and I got beat up by Terror and Holly. Then I just fucked up over and over again for the rest of the bout. At least I jammed while we had a good solid lead. The Dolls get REALLY shaken up when we start to lose, and especially without any of our usual jammers to pull us ahead, I think it could have gone very poorly. Ella tried to jam me again later, and I put my foot down. I'll try to jam more at scrimmage I guess. But I think it's always been clear that I'm not a jammer - a position that requires speed and agility - my very weakest of skills. What is really upsetting me lately is actually my inability to stay up on my skates. For the last month I have just been falling all over the place. I get bumped and I fall, I try to turn around and I fall, I do much of anything and I fall. It's embarrassing and frustrating, and it hurts. And since I have no speed, it makes it that much harder for me to do shit all in the pack. Ugh. Anyway, enough about derby frustration before I get too angry about all of the rest of the drama that has made me so mad I want to scream.

I'm going back to BB tomorrow to start working part-time. Although I'm not actually on the schedule or anything. I'm just doing this for the bonus I should be getting soon, and a discount, and a little bit of pocket change. That's it. I'll be working one night a week and one weekend day a week. Should be about $100 a week. Not much, but it's spending money. And really, a month's worth almost covers my rent. So I shouldn't complain. It'd be nice to have savings again...

The house has been a disgusting mess, and I really need to make time to clean. But as soon as I get one thing done there's another pile. How do people keep the house clean! I need to get rid of stuff, but without a car that becomes just more mess. Even WITH a car, it still involves making a mess before it goes anywhere.

I didn't intend for this to be a list of my failings, and now that I've started thinking about it, I'm stressing out. So I'm going to take a hint and go get some shit done...
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