Just in case anyone is wondering, I have been doing some writing. Unfortunately everything is long and plotty, and I've got this new rule I'm trying to enforce where I'm not posting anything unless I have a large chunk of it done.
1. I'm working on the sequel to the Love Story (John/Mary, John Genevieve), it's loosely titled Appearances Can Be Deceiving and is yet another SPN/SV crossover. This one is Dean/Lex (no Lana) and I've come to realize that I may need to write a short story bridging between LS and ACBD in order to explain some of Lex's actions. And Clark's.
2. Would anyone still read Measures Of Insanity (Obi-Wan/Jude/Hayden) if I posted it? I have two more chapters done with maybe 5(?) to go.
3. I also have a slew of other stuff that I've been promising people that I'm working on. One of them is Warrior of Light; Warrior of Dark, I'm going with the flow of the story (which unfortunately is calling for a pairing change so the 2 people that were reading will probably drop it immediately) and hope to have some new material up soon. I'm kind of excited about it again, and it's been a while since anything Buffy/Angel oriented excited me.
4. I blame the above on the fact that another thing I'm working on is a SPN/BTVS crossover which has Dean being adopted by the Summers. It's looking like a Dean/Xander pairing is imminent which I'm not sure how I feel about, but...
5. My viewing for this season is as follows (with Heroes fic being in the pipe line somewhere, there needs to be more hours in the day). Favorite characters, possible ships in the brackets:
Heroes (Peter, Isaac - Peter/Isaac, Peter/Mohinder)
Studio 60 (Matt/Danny)
Lost (I'm not sure for how much longer though)
Supernatural (Dean, Sam to some extent)
Friday: (a lot of this depends on the time of year)
Battlestar Galactica (Lee/Kara, Lee, Kara)
Kidnapped (though it's been cancelled so I guess I get my Saturday's back)
Still a tiny schedule compared to how I used to watch TV when I was younger. I used to have to have notecards, with the days and shows and three VCR's going. It was scary.