Presenting activity number 5! This month's challenge is all about creating icon pairs using themes that are opposite of one another. This post is partially tagged so please hover for the series in the meantime (where series is known).
adrasteaHope/Despair, Close/Far, Symmetrical/Asymmetrical
Apart/Together, Character Foils, Light/Shadows
Hot/Cold, Pretty/Ugly, Beginning/End
Complimentary Colours
astrokittieJesus/Judas, Dead/Alive, Simple/Complex
Front/Back, Character Foils, Hot/Cold
Close/Far, Upside Down/Rightside Up, Full/Empty
cool_spectrumLoud/Quiet, Fight/Flight
Front/Back, Apart/Together
dashberlinSymmetrical/Asymmetrical, Front/Back, Light/Shadows
Simple/Complex, Modern/Vintage
erinaeModern/Vintage, Front/Back, Close/Far
Hope/Despair, Old/New
katy_111Upside Down/Rightside Up, Hot/Cold, Jesus/Judas
Hope/Despair, Complimentary Colours
lazuli_reikouLight/Shadows, Front/Back, Complimentary Colours
Simple/Complex, Upside Down/Rightside Up
regisUpside Down/ Rightside Up, Fight/Flight, Old/New
Hot/Cold, Close/Far, Light/Shadows
Character Foils, Black/White, Outside/Inside
Complimentary Colors
yachiruJesus/Judas, Fight/Flight, Right/Wrong
Upside Down/Rightside Up, Front/Back, Hot/Cold
adrastea dashberlin erinae Please credit the individual icon makers
No editing, altering, stealing of the icons
Watch the comm!
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