too long to be called drabble

Nov 10, 2009 22:20

Title: too long to be called drabble
Pairing: Callie and Arizona
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this fanfiction. The mistakes are all mine. I am only writing this for fun and because I lost a bet.

* * * * *

I can't wait to get to out of here and snuggle up to Calliope on her compfy sofa while watching a movie or they could. Arizona looked at her exhausted reflection in her locker door mirror before she slammed the door shut.

The last couple of days were nothing but horrible for Arizona. First the parents of one of her tiny patients - ten year old terminal ill Wallace - offered a donation of 25 million dollar for the peds program. Arizona couldn't find words how happy and excitement she was about the money, but she should have know better that the joy wouldn't last long. Such an amount of money comes always with a price.

And it came, in type of an order from the parents to perform a surgery on Wallace. An operation she strongly advised against since she was pretty sure the boy wouldn't even make it off the table. But Arizona had to learn that with that amount of money at stake, medical opinions were irrelevant. Money buys everything, even surgery against all odds. And that ass-kissing representative of the hospital board Jennings and Chief Weber made it pretty clear, that she better made sure they got the money.

That's how she ended up performing a surgery against her believes. And for once she wished she would have been wrong about the outcome but no such luck. Wallace, the boy who's life she fought for over two years died. Sure he would have died without the surgery, too but she wouldn't have to live with the guild that she “killed” him on his elevens birthday. Not to mention it was her own birthday and that was a gift she could have done without. Thank you very much.

Her birthday another disaster. Arizona never cared about her birthday at all. In her book it's just a day like very other, no need to make a big deal about it. Unfortunately Calliope had other plans and organized a surprise birthday party for her. Definitely something you don't want to stumble into after an eleven year old boy just died on your table. Half of Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital was there ... didn't anyone of them knew that Wallace had died? Usually everyone knows everything that goes on at the hospital before it even happens. And now nobody knew and could have told this party off?
When she opened the door and everybody screamed, Arizona lost it. Throwing Chief Weber out of her OR, loosing Wallace, all that she managed without shedding a tear. But looking at all those people in full party mood, Arizona started crying.

And what did Calliope do, who she helped through crisis after crisis. Nothing. Calliope just stood in front of her and instead of comfort she offered a lame “They're surgeons, they'll understand.” Seriously, Calliope, is a hug to much to ask?

Little did she know that when she would get back to the hospital to take the parents to say goodbye to their dead son, that they would still donate 25 millions to Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital peds program, her peds department. And not because of that ass-kissing representative of the hospital board, but because of her Arizona Robbin, head of peds. Her caring, sensitives manners, her way with kids that's what made the difference. You rock Arizona.

That night when she returned to Callies' apartment Calliope and she said 'I love you's' to each other for the first time, followed by a night of slow love making.

Unfortunately her luck ended the next morning again. Instead of waking up in the arms of her girlfriend, she found herself alone in bed with a note saying


last night was super



While she was still reflecting on her night with Calliope, on hands slowly exploring well know territories, on full lips leaving trails down sweating bodies, her pager went off and pulled her out of her daydream.

At the hospital Arizona was greeted by the usually ER chaos that followed a multiple car accident. Calliope was nowhere found, so much for a start-in-the-day-kiss. By noon things slowed down for Arizona but in exchange Mark started annoying her. He came up with a new nickname for her and didn't fail to nettle her with it every time he ran into her. And he run into her all the time. Are there no boobs to enlarge or buts to lift, Arizona wondered more than ones.

And as if the donation hadn't already caused enough trouble for her, Chief Weber requested that Arizona would start making an investment plan on how she thought the money should be used. Extra work, just great, is being a surgeon not enough? Mental note: No. 1 on the investment plan a raise for Dr. Robbins. The more wisely it's spend the more lifes can be safed. Easier said then done. Sleepless nights here we come. Arizona didn't mind sleepless nights at all as long as they involved a certain Latina and not investment plans.

When Arizona finally arrived at Calliopes/Cristinas apartment all she wanted to do was to enjoy a glas of red wine, listen to some music with Calliopes arms wrapped around her and forget about the 25 million dollar donation, Wallace, the tiny coffin, investment plans and Marks stupid nickname.

But instead she found Calliope and Mark at the kitchen counter drinking beer. Great, Mark again. Arizona thought while Calliope walked over to her, put an arm around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. ”Hey, you.”

“Hey, yourself.” Arizona leaned into her, grabbed the bottle from Callies hand and took a sip.

“Hello, Mi...” Mark started but Arizona stopped him. “Don't even think about finishing that!”

“Why not?”

“How about I don't like it?”

“Woah, you two. What's going on here?” Callie asked confused and looking from Arizona to Mark, who looked like the personification of innocence, while he replied “Nothing.”

“Why do I not believe you?” Callie questioned and look at Arizona for some explaination.

“Mister Pain in the ass here came up with a nickname for me”, Arizona started to explain.

“A McSomething name?” Callie questioned?

“Nope. More like something that sounds like I'm a hooker and ... .”

“Woah, hold on” Callie interrupted “Mark! You called my girlfriend a hooker?” She stormed over to Mark ready to kick his ass.

“No!” Mark avered and raised his hand in a calming gesture “I never said that.”

“But the nickname suggests it!” Arizona countered.

“No, it doesn't.”

“It does!”

“Does not”

“Stop it!” Callie interrupted them again. She turned to Mark. “What did you call her?”

After taking a big gulp from his drink Mark answered “Million Dollar Baby.”

A silent fell over the apartment while Arizona and Mark waited for Callies reaction.

"Baby ... ehm ... Sweetie" Callie corrected herself after Arizonas glare. "It doesn't sound like a hooker at all." Callie assured her girlfriend. "You think?" Arizona asked sceptically.

Callie nodded and walked around the kitchen counter to grab herself a beer since hers was stolen. "More like high-end call-girl!" Callie added laughingly. Arizonas looked speechless at her girlfriend.

At the same time Mark bursted out laughing while he spilled the beer he was just drinking all over Callie. "Ops sorry, Call" he managed to get out between laughs and threw a kitchen towel at Callie.

Arizona looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes. With a sigh she dropped down on the couch, buried her head in her hands and made small muffled voices.

"Good luck, Torres!" Mark nodded in the direction of Arizona. He squeezed Callies arm before he left. His laughs could still be heared from the hall.

"I'm sorry" Callie started to apologies. She stood immovable at the kitchen counter and had no idea what to do next. "Rats, what do I do now?" she wondered. “Arizona?” Callie tried again but Arizona just shook her head signaling her to stop. “Well done, Torres” Callie was grumbling at herself, when she noticed that the noises coming from Arizona sounded a lot like laughs. “Are you laughing?”

Arizona finally looked up, trying to compose herself. “Nope.” she denied, but failed miserable as her chuckles gave her away. The blonde walked over to a very confused Callie and put her arms around her neck. “Thank you” she said smiling.

“Sorry, what?” Callie had no idea what was just happening.

“Thank you” Arizona repeated and pulled her closer “thank you for being you.”

Yesterday Callie wearing a stupid hat and the ugliest lingerie ever made Arizona problems fade away. Today it was the 'high-end callgirl' that made Arizona forget her crappy day and made Marks 'Million Dollar Baby' nickname in a weird way funny. Arizona was pretty sure that no big words or gestures from Calliope would have work at well as her dorky way and her quick wit.

“So you're not mad about the high-end call-girl thing” Callie asked.

“Nope. You have your trust fund back, right?” Arizona asked.

“Yeah, why?” Callie wondered. Arizona pulled away and walked towards Callie's bedroom. “You'll need every penny for this” she pointed at herself “Million Dollar Baby!”

“Any chances of a discount?” Callie asked.

“If you play your cards right.” Came the muffled reply. Callie laughed and hurried after her girlfriend.

The end

calzona fanfic
