it's like your a drug, it's like your a demon i can't face down, its like im stuck...

Jan 03, 2005 22:46

Pieces of Me by Ashlee Simpson

"Fall, with you I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath
I hope it lasts"

In 2004 you fell in love. Let's hope it lasts.

What 2004 Hit Song Are You?

hmmm...could this be true? i don't know maybe so maybe not i don't even have a clue.

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Make the FBIs most wanted list.

Get your resolution here

hmmm that could be

OMG my mom offically took me off Xanax!!!!! i'm SOOOOO fucking happy because now i might actually have enery to do shit. yes it took some bitching and moaning but it worked and i don't have to take them ne more!!!! i dunno what shes gonna do with them yet though because we really didnt discuss it LOL. topic on convo with the mum for tomorrow. oh and fel help me think of a good way to get the candy BARS to you because i can't think of ne good way.

white noise is coming out FRIDAY!!! im so excited!!! im going to go see it with zack but i actually wanna watch it because it looks hella good

You might find that a coworker has been two faced. Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions. Unpredictable events will disrupt your routine.
~wow that kinda hits my life at this moment right in the balls really well...scary shit i must say. but to make that statement even more correct you might want to put and S after coworker (schoolmates W/E). but hey good enough for government work.

but on a serious note...i'm starting to kinda grow up a bit and see that some actions that i once thought were like so orgasmically sexy and hella cool arn't so HeLlA cool and what not. i just hope people dont start seriously fucking up their lives because then things wont be so cool...but w/e you can't stop progress ne more than you can stop really stupid misguiding people

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