Nov 01, 2004 19:23
that song is like my life right now. whats funny is that i feel super guilty about everything that happened to me over the weekend. which is stupid because i didn't get caught so i should be happy i got away with everything right? but when i really think about all the shit that i did i can't help but think why? did i really need to do the shit that i did? yah it was fun at teh time but where should i draw the line between fun and just stupid slutty crap? also i've been doing stupid shit to my body and its starting to show on my body to lose weight/maintain weight which is shitty i know but i can't control it right now. and even though ppl tell you your fine the way you are it doesnt really help u know? its nice to hear but so redundant its hard to believe after awhile. anyways i'm done being depressing and stupid so i'm gonna go and eat something thats not consisted of mostly sickening sugar. after halloween i'm all sugared out until like christmas lol.
<3 ~*mel*~ <3 i wuv all of you so much u guys have no idea