Jan 16, 2014 07:56
I was thinking about Islam today (mostly due to Bonnie, my wife, taking a religions class for her degree) and I remembered an old friend, which got me thinking even more. When I was in my early twenties, my first wife, Ella, and I had an apartment in downtown Colorado Springs. We had a neighbor named Rathmon who was Muslim. I have always been of open mind and Ella and I were kind to Rathmon. Most people would think upon meeting her "who is this crazy, kooky lady?". Rathmon was very lively and talkative, once she was sure you wouldn't be nasty toward her, and very friendly.
I remember that she was always giving everybody stuff. No one thing in particular, just...stuff. Furniture, dishes, clothes, books - anything she was not using at the time she gave away. Rathmon did not throw a thing away if it could be used for something. And when Ella and I moved, Rathmon said to us "Anything that is not garbage, just give it to me and I'll find someone who needs it."
Rathmon had invited Ella and I to a service for Ramadan. Ella's brothers went along as well. I remember thinking how interesting it was, seeing how these people worshipped God. We enjoyed songs we didn't understand the words to, and food we didn't know the name of (there was lamb, and maybe goat, I don't know, but it was delicious) and everyone there was very, very friendly, even though we were not Muslim they accepted and welcomed us and said NOTHING about our difference in faith. I don't know many Christians who can live like this, and I cannot imagine why such generous, friendly people would be hated so much.
I asked Rathmon one day about 9/11. Her face became visibly green and she said "I don't like to talk about that. I don't even like to think about it. Those - people - have given all of us [Muslims] a bad name. What they did was so terrible and it was totally senseless. Allah does not want his people to be like that." And with a look on her face that was as serious as a heart attack, she concluded the subject "The people who did that [terrorists behind 9/11] are going to Hell. Look over here, I have this lamp, do you need a lamp?".
In the workplace, at home, and on the news, television, and internet, I see such hatred of Muslims and I wonder why. I myself have met and known several Muslims and each one was such a kind, friendly, wonderful person. I can say, and I will, proudly, that I have Muslim friends.
I want this message to be passed on until it reaches every corner of America, into each American community. It is a dream of mine that all of America can read this message and that it might change the way Americans feel about Muslims. The fact is, Muslims believe in THE SAME GOD as Christians and Jews, they believe Abraham was a prophet and the father of nations, and that Jesus did live on earth as a prophet.
The reason I feel that there is so much hatred toward Muslims is the media. Movies, newspapers, television, and the internet is so full of "terrorist this, terrorist that" and even our own government has spread negative propaganda toward the Middle East, where the main faith is Islam, in an effort to justify and promote the war effort. For those of you who don't think our government would lie to us, look at history, look at the news, it's all there. Big government will lie to the people in an effort to further their own ambitions and cover their behinds.
Terrorism is a terrible thing. I am NOT a terrorist sympathizer, but I DO sympathize with God-loving people who have been given a bad name because of the acts of extremists and the media. Examples of Christian extremism and terrorism: The Inquisition, The Crusades, the Salem Witchcraft Trials, The Westboro Baptist Church. Examples of Jewish extremism and terrorism: The Kingdom of Israel Group, The Gush Emunim Underground, The Bat Ayin Underground.
Why do we not hear of these terror groups? Because America is a nation of primarily Christian and Jewish faith. Our government would meet with extreme opposition and protest if it were to demonize Christians or Jews, but it is more than happy to help the war effort by promoting hatred of a religion in a far-off country, practiced by people we don't really know.
I love America and everything that it stands for. In our own Constitution, it states that people should be free to practice their beliefs without fear from the government. I HATE terrorism. Terrorism is a coward's way to fight and it undermines both the society attacked, and the identity of the attackers. So some people blew up things shouting "Allah!". Things right here in America have been blown up by people shouting "God!" or "Jesus!". Does this mean that all Christians and Jews are terrorists? No. Are all Muslims terrorists? No. Do Muslims hate all Americans? No. Do Americans hate Muslims? Yes. Why?
There are people who will make a lot of noise because they are so convinced of their hatred toward Muslims, but I do not care. I am an American and I am NOT Muslim, but I DO have friends who are, and I CHALLENGE everyone who reads this message: Do you have the courage to question your thinking? Do you have enough love to accept others of a different religion? Do you have the guts to pass this on even though you may be cussed, shunned, or ridiculed? I am a God-loving American AND I DO.