Humidity Damon/Elena | M | ~4500 'Can I tell you the rest tomorrow?' Elena wakes up before dawn to some realizations of her own, and she and Damon conquer them together, only to confront them in the morning.( have i been good to you at all? )
jesus, I've been waiting something like this since I've watched 3x08 *.* this fic is so amazing and beautiful^^
She wonders if he's ever been loved like this before. this is my favourite line because sometimes I wonder how elena really feels about damon. I mean we all know that he loves her, and he would do anything for her, and we want them together so badly, but it would be nice to know what does elena feel. 'cause let's face it, we don't know much about that other then that "pity-kiss" which wasn't even a real kiss...
everything you said is pretty much my thoughts exactly. god, when she turned to him in that bed after talking about rebekah, like, 'yes elena. you are also talking about yourself.' and this is all going to come to a head and what is she going to do then?
what's she gonna do? I tell you what. nothing! because this is elena, and she does nothing -.-" I mean she can piss me off sometimes so much... especially when you can see poor damon just waiting for some kind of response from her, and then nothing...
like, i get this is hard for her, and she is only eighteen (and that is kind of why i love her so much) but you know? these things with damon - whatever it is she feels - she needs to do something about it, not just let them fester and grow and ebb into something that could be potentially disastrous.
and I think it's not too complicated to tell someone that you don't like him. it's a little bit harder when you've got to tell the opposite, but in this case it could have been easy too, 'cause Elena knows that Damon loves her, and she's got nothing to be afraid of... but now as I think about it, she's the one who makes things complicated, 'cause she says (if she must) that she doesn't like Damon the way she loves Stefan, but then she acts totally not like that...
she's the one who makes things complicated, 'cause she says (if she must) that she doesn't like Damon the way she loves Stefan, but then she acts totally not like that... her age shows her conflict, and how she's not really handling it like an adult. i find it endearing and yet frustrating at the same time! XD
She wonders if he's ever been loved like this before.
this is my favourite line because sometimes I wonder how elena really feels about damon. I mean we all know that he loves her, and he would do anything for her, and we want them together so badly, but it would be nice to know what does elena feel. 'cause let's face it, we don't know much about that other then that "pity-kiss" which wasn't even a real kiss...
this show.
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