When I first watched The Vampire Diaries S02E21, I was gobsmacked and had so much to say about it. Then, due to real life, I didn't have my reaction post. Today, I thought, I can't recap an episode that isn't fresh in my head, so I'll watch it again. I've found I have less to say now than before -- my fangirl irrationality has sort of dissapated, and so I'm not as 'OH DEAR LORD, OH NO' to things as I was a few days ago.
I know I haven't replied to previous discussion posts, and if I don't get to it tonight it will be tomorrow. (I'm helping paint a friend's house and damn, is it a mission!) Ergo my lateness/slackness/oh hey there another excuse!
I'm kind of gonna just got right to it and start with Jenna. Did anyone else see that coming? I'm not going to lie, I kind of did. I mean, apart from the fact she's their guardian, she hasn't been playing a massive role in this supernatual mess. She was Ric's girlfriend and a young woman doing her best to see her sister's kids grow up happy and healthy. When they said she was in transition, I thought A) she is going to make an awesome vampire, B) they're going to kill Jenna. Turns out it was B. Now, in saying that, I still don't really see how she ~had to die? You know? Was it really absolutely crucial for them to kill her off? (I'll get to the shock factor in a minute!) Apart from that though, it was tear jerking to see her go, and whenever Nina Dobrev cries, I cry -- so that was a given!
Was Bonnie not a badass? I mean, she always kind of has been (except for when she is not friends with my girl Elena! That shit's not cool!) and I loved how she locked Jeremy in the house, and Ric, to keep them safe while she went to fight. And, seriously, she came into that scene and she commanded it. It was insanely awesome. Also, when she turned to Elijah and Klaus at the end and said in reference to 'it'll kill you,' "I don't care," I was almost fistpumping. That girl is a boss.
Elijah. I love you -- why the betrayal? But then I look at the conversation he just had with Stefan and I think, 'yeah, I understand.' He hates his brother for destroying his family -- and your family is the thing you hold closest to your heart -- the chance that you may be able to see them again, after they were torn away from you, that's not a chance you're just going to give up -- no matter who the one is offering it to you. You could see that fight in Elijah as he thought about it, I mean, he was ready to tear his brother's heart out, ffs. Then he said, 'I'm sorry,' and I kind of understood it all. I wasn't as angry or upset as I possible could have been.
Jules. Not surprised she kicked it, and I totally give her badass points for attempting a final fight. (Also, how painful would that be, constricting the change within her?) Though she was a character I quite liked in the sense she was like an alpha female and wasn't going to tolerate Damon no matter what (because I think sometimes it is nice to see a woman who isn't afraid of chaining Damon Salvatore to a chair and torturing him) and I felt she was decent shift in the show's women. If that sounds right? It doesn't. Grrr. Do you know what I mean? Maybe -- don't hate on me, I don't mean it offensively! I'm just inarticulate today.
Uhm, now that Jenna is dead, who is going to be the kids' legal guardian? Unless Elena is turning eighteen in like a week, (because, uhm, show, I have not seen any birthdays and I think it would be appropriate for you to give us one! You can give us decade dances but a birthday?!) otherwise I'd be totally cool with her and Jeremy moving into the Boarding House so my OT3 fantasties can be filled, and Jeremy can walk around, like, 'Guys, seriously, not in the kitchen!' and, 'Oh my God, why did I even agree to move in here?!' (If someone wants to write me fic about that, GO FOR IT!) But seriously, thoughts? Ric being a caregiver is a popular one, I've noticed.
John. I've never really been fussed with him, ngl, but he's certainly grown on me over time. What he did for Elena was very selfless, but I think the thing that annoyed me the most with that whole sort of ~thing, was that -- oh hey, we sorted Elena's life and death situation out with a spell! But someone has to die. I mean, the pull the spell thing quite a lot, and at first it was a little tricky to get my head around the fact Elena ~wouldn't be a vampire even though she had Damon's blood in her system and died, but because her ~soul stayed intact because of John and his life force -- well. I'm getting myself confused. (But this also leads to a question of, 'is the soul/life essence going to be a more significant idea in TVD?' It's in a few other vampire/werewolf shows/films, and I don't know if the writers would look into that further.
Skinny Love Cover - Birdy
--- Uhm, I would just like to say, that song is absolutely beautiful and I first heard it a while back and almost cried then. Paired with that funeral scene the tears came full force. (I am also glad that the song has become more popular! I felt like she just wasn't getting the praise she deserved for that lovely version, and this has done wonders!)
The look Elena shared with Damon at the funeral. A lot of people are delving really deeply into this, and being like, ~OMG CONNECTION, and I get that, but it was almost something else. I can't explain it because I'm shitty like that, but I remember early in Season One where Damon turned to Elena and said, "Stefan and I have watched almost everyone we love die around us," and for Elena it's almost exactly the same thing -- she's seeing the same thing and it's like it 'clicks' in her head, coupled with the immense sadness of everything, my God. Any other thoughts on this look, guys? I find the different opinions on this super interesting!
Stefan. I absolutely loved his talk with Elijah, and how he ~knows you can't just ~kill your brother. I love Stefan, I really do. However, there wasn't anything like, BAM for me about him in this episode? It was heart wrenching to see him watching Elena watch Jenna die, and offer to take her place, but I kind of expected that to come about anyway, really. (The him offering up an exchange, thing.) Also, I first thought, 'why is he not comforting Elena?' at the funeral, but then I thought twice about it. Elena is the kind of girl who hides behind a smile and says everything is okay. She's said this from day one. 'When someone asks how they are they don't really want to know.' She's had both her blood parents and adoptive parents die, and now her aunt. She's a strong girl, and all of this just makes her stronger. Sometimes when you're upset, you don't want to be cuddled or given sad looks.
My OT3. I saw a lot of it this episode. Not huge things, but hints at it. Damon carrying Elena over to where Stefan was so he could check in with his brother, the two brother's at the funeral sort of ~lurking in a nice, caring, concerned kind of way and, NOW WITH THE OMG-
Stefan after he found out Damon had been chomped on by Tyler. Jfc, Paul Wesley and his acting. I love him. It was so genuine and sorry and panicked and upset and for a moment, you could see that although he loves Elena and he's at her aunt's funeral, it was like nothing else mattered because Damon was going to die. And there's no cure, everyone's said it and believed it, and yet Stefan is still going to attempt to find one because he ~loves his brother. It killed me dead, it really did.
There is probably more to this, and I've forgotten and that is going to annoy me! But uggggh.
Also: have some tweets!
Thoughts? ;)