Harry Potter 30 Days Meme in ONE.

Jul 20, 2010 22:46

Taken from believenthlie because, HARRY POTTER :D and, although this is supposed to be done over 30 days, I'm not going to do that, because it's hard enough keeping track of one.

Day 1 Favorite Book

Book 3

Day 2 Least favorite book

Book 5. Just, god, I wanted to cut myself. So boring.

Day 4 Favorite male character.

Draco Malfoy. He is just, sarcastic and cruel and snarky and mean, but because he's fucked up with his own issues, and that's hot. A lot of people just think he's there to be mean to Harry, but Draco's character is far more intense than that. Also, Blaise. Blaise is hot shit, because he is snarky and Slytherin and in cahoots with Draco. They both gets points.

Day 5 Least favorite female character.

Motherfucking Ginny. I just don't like her. She can do a hex. Wow. Just, honestly. Go away.

Day 6 Least favorite male character.

Ron. He just, all he was was snivel and then complain that Harry was always first, and then he felt sorry for himself, and then he fucked up Hermione's relationships and was too much of a pussy to say anything to her. I liked when Draco picked on him.

Day 7 Thoughts on fanfic.

The old stuff was fantastic. I used to spend hours going through it. But now, now it's like pre-teens writing the most pathetic stuff, and getting giggly and the word, "penis."

Day 8 Favorite Hogwarts professor.

McGonagall or Snape

Day 9 Dead character you want to bring back most.

Fred. Wtf, Rowling. Why did you kill off Fred, he was cool.

Day 10 House you would want to be in.

You don't even know how many times I've considered this. It would never be Hufflepuff, I would end up killing some poor kid. And not Gryffindor, I am far too invested in self-preservation for that kind of heroic crap. That left Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Ravenclaws always seemed pretty safe, and, although I think I'd do okay there, I'd have to end up saying Slytherin. I could see myself being a complete and utter bitch to people, and giving them shit for absolutely no reason. Honestly, it's pretty sad, but also every one of those bloody, "Which house would you be in" quizzes, have always put me in Slytherin. My god, I'm a freak.

Day 11 Hogwarts lesson you like best.

Transfiguration or DADA. Possibly Potions.

Day 12 Spell you wish you could work without a wand.

Accio. That would come in so handy.

Day 13 Thoughts on fanart.

I've never really invested myself in fan art, but what I've seen has mostly been fantastic.

Day 14 Favorite movie.

3. No doubt about it. Loved the director and the way it flowed.

Day 15 Least favorite movie.

5th. I was so bored it was not even funny.

Day 16 Excited or wary about The Deathly Hallows movie.

A bit of both. They'll screw it up to some degree.

Day 17 Least favorite film adaptation.

Wait, what? 5th...

Day 18 Cast member you most want to meet.

Tom Felton (Draco)

Day 19 A scene left out of the movies that you wish had been included.

When Harry and Draco got into that fight in the fifth book, with Quidditch stopping?

Day 20 Books vs. films.


Day 21 A part of the books/movies that makes you cry.

When Draco Malfoy was announced as balding. No lie.

Day 22 Thoughts on wizard rock?


Day 23 Horcruxes vs. Hallows?

This got me confused. SO MANY MONTHS CAMPING. WTF. Hallows were important, sure. but. HORCRUXES, GUYS.

Day 24 The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.

Why would you choose anything other than the cloak.

Day 25 Character you think you are most like.

Eeeek. Draco/Hermione. I know that's a little weird, but. Yeah.

Day 26 Favorite 'ship(s).

Draco/Hermione, & Draco/Blaise

Day 27 Marauders vs. Snape.


Day 28 The Next Generation.

I don't even know. Gayest names ever?

Day 29 Something you wish JKR had written about more.

Draco Malfoy's ass.

Day 30 In general, the effects of Harry Potter on your life.

It created a whole new world for my childhood, and it will define my childhood always. Kids now are like, "HARRY POTTER" but no. I remember the first damn book. Don't even get me started ;)


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