
Oct 05, 2004 16:58

Have WAY too much stuff.

Still procrastinating.

Got my physics test back and it was a 95. *BLINK* That's like... yeah. The last thing that I'll do well on.

Have two tests and a paper and work and a p-set still to go.

Guadalupe is making progress with his crush. yay!

I am almost certain I figured out who the flower boy is. And I certainly don't mind.

I am reading about procrastination for my psych paper. VERY interesting.

I also found out that half my floor takes showers at 3 AM.

And waking up when it's FREEZING COLD in my room is not good.

Also, psych is fantastic. Except for the papers.

Also, to those CERTAIN PEOPLE WHO PROMISED TO CALL AND DID NOT *cough*madam_rosmerta*cough*: look, I know that all of us are busy. But dropping an email in REPLY saying hey, just wanted to say hello. will call then is NOT that difficult. Neither is calling up for a 5 minute chat. I can't really have one hour conversations either.

I hate my Tech Callers job, but need the money.

I love my Rainbow Lounge job.

they are showing a free preview of "I Heart Huckabee's" and I can't go!!!!! *POUT* *CRY* I'm making Guadalupe take me on a "date" to the theatres.

That's about it.

Love to all.
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