drabble dump

Jan 02, 2014 16:27

Couple Clothes//sekai//fluff?//pg-13//306 words
Originally posted here

"I'm not wearing that."

Sehun shifted his eyes back to his phone, away from his boyfriend who was holding a bright red sweatshirt out in front of him.

"But why not? It'll be cute," Jongin whined, sitting on the couch next to Sehun. Cuddling closer he shoved the jacket into Sehun's arms.

"I'm not going to wear a fucking couple sweatshirt with you and your fucking dogs."

Jongin pouted and looked to the ground next to the couch where Monggu, Janggu and Janggah all laid next to each other, covered up in smaller sizes of the red material.

"Are you going to make this $160 go to waste because if you do you're giving me your allowance for the next four months until you can pay me back."

Sehun rolled his eyes, turning his head to face Jongin. "You spent $160 on dog sweaters. You are actually insane."

Jongin shrugged, playing with the strings on his hoodie. "I thought it would be cute..."

Sehun's heart twinged at how adorable and pathetic Jongin looked and he sighed, taking the extra sweater from his boyfriends hands.

"Fine. I'll wear it."

Jongin's face lit up immediately.

"Really? Sweet! Let's take the kids for a walk!" He jumped up to grab their matching collars and leashes.

"Only if you stop calling them our goddamn kids. And don't think I'll agree to everything from now on just because you're kind of cute."

Jongin smirked while attaching the leads to his dogs' collars.


They got more weird stares than Sehun had hoped for, but when a little boy pointed to them and said, "Mommy! I want to be like that when I'm older," bringing a small smile to Sehun's face, and a squeeze to his hand from Jongin, Sehun realised that hey, maybe doing things like this would be ok occasionally.

Tickle Me//hunhan//fluff+smut//NC-17//600+

“Hyuuuuuuuuuung I’m bored,” the couch shifted when Sehun plopped down onto it.

Luhan mumbled incoherently from where he was curled up, knees tucked under his chin, eyes heavy and half-lidded.

Sehun poked him tentatively, pleased when Luhan let out an annoyed whine and aimed a half assed kick in Sehun’s direction.

He thought about his options for a moment (stay here with Luhan, or go find another member to annoy) and decided, hey, why not have some fun.

Sehun’s arms shot forward, one hand reaching around Luhan’s neck and the other landing at his side, wiggling his thin bony fingers.

Luhan didn’t resist as much as Sehun had thought he would, making it a lot easier for Sehun to gain access to more sensitive areas like Luhan’s thighs and underarms.

Luhan squealed, unfolding from the fetal position so his legs were stretched out over Sehun’s and he was flat on his back.

They switched positions again when Sehun hooked his leg over one of Luhan’s, straddling it and using it to pin him down further.

By now, Sehun had both Luhan’s hands held up above his head with one hand, the other reaching for Luhan’s sides and underarms, wriggling fingers bunching the fabric of Luhan’s clothes up and squeezing his covered skin.

“Wait, Sehun--” Instead of high-pitched squeals and protests, the sounds coming out of Luhan’s mouth now sounded positively sinful, all choked moans and breathy gasps.

Sehun thought it was just another thing to add to the list of Weird Luhan Things, until he shifted his leg a bit and--oh. That was a definitely a boner.

Luhan’s eyes widened in response to Sehun’s own shocked face, and he twisted out of Sehun’s grasp, vomiting words like, “Sehun it’s not what you think, this isn’t--” and, “I swear I’m not--” But Sehun pinned his arms down again, new strength bubbling up inside him.

He pressed Luhan down onto the couch, moving slowly, crawling his way up the older boy so he was sitting on his outstretched thighs, right below Luhan’s dick.

“Sehun, what.” Sehun didn’t answer. Instead, he started tickling Luhan again, fingers flying faster than before as he tried to see exactly how far Luhan could be pushed before actually creaming himself.

Luhan bucked his hips up when Sehun scratched lightly at the back of his neck, and Sehun smirked, bringing his hand back to Luhan’s side.

Panting and so fucking sensitive, Luhan bucked his hips up again, straining for friction.

“Ugh touch me,” he gasped, and Sehun pressed his fingers harder into Luhan’s sides.

“I am touching you though,” he said in a sweet voice, skimming his hands over Luhan’s torso.

“No not there, you know what I mean,” he writhed on the couch, trying so so hard to move so that Sehun could maybe give him some relief. But Sehun only clenched his thighs harder around Luhan’s legs, making sure the boy stayed in place.

“Sehun, please I’m-- uaaagh.” With an obscene moan, Luhan arched his back, pushing his hips into the air one final time, coating his underwear with a layer of thick white cum.

Only then did Sehun move up Luhan’s body, sitting down on his oversensitive dick and grinding down lightly, drawing out a pained moan from a spent Luhan.

“Don’t fucking do this now after you tortured me like that.” Sehun released his hold of Luhan’s wrists and pulled back, smirking.

“I’ve never heard of tickling someone to completion. But I guess you learn something new everyday, huh.” Luhan pulled his legs back up to his chest and covered his face in embarrassment.

“Don’t be a jackass.”

“Please, I don’t know any other way.”

how much do you love me?//xiuhan//fluff//pg//500+
for exopromptmeme originally posted here

Silence lay thick over the apartment when Minseok opened the door. There was a quiet creak from the old hinges, and the soft sound of him shuffling across the welcome mat, but then silence fell again as he trudged his way to the kitchen.

He grabbed two glasses of milk--one for Luhan--and made his way toward the bedroom, where Luhan lay curled up under the duvet. When Minseok sat down the bed dipped, and Luhan whimpered and turned, stretching and waking from his afternoon nap.

Minseok held out the glass and Luhan accepted it with a warm smile, leaning forward to press his lips against Minseok’s lightly.

“Mm thank you honey. How was your day?” The bed shifted again as Minseok stood up.

“It was ok,” he said, rifling through a dresser drawer. “Better now that I’m here with you.” He flashed a wink back at Luhan before unbuttoning his work shirt and pulling a ragged black t-shirt over his head. Minseok’s pants fell, and he was left in his pink heart print boxers (a gift from Luhan for Valentine’s Day).

Crawling back onto the bed, Minseok kept steady eye contact with Luhan until their noses were touching. A giggle bubbled up from Luhan’s throat when their noses rubbed together and Minseok fell next to him, shimmying his body under the blankets so he was pressed up against Luhan’s side.

Luhan leaned over and pressed a kiss on Minseok’s nose, the older boy going cross eyed and making a cute noise as he did, drawing another sweet giggle from between Luhan’s lips.

“You’re so cute,” he whispered, pressing kisses to both of Minseok’s cheeks. A soft blush crossed hiss cheeks and he buried his head into Luhan’s neck, lips warm on his collar bones.

A sigh broke the silence, Luhan’s eyes just fluttering shut when Minseok’s head pops up again.

“Luhan how much do you love me?” Luhan blinked, confused, before answering, “so so much,” reaching forward to kiss Minseok again. A smile spread across Minseok’s features like butter while he dodged out of reach, clambering over Luhan’s body until he was sitting high on his stomach.

“How much do you love me?” Luhan teased, moving his hands to Minseok’s hips.

“So much,” Minseok’s hands trailed up Luhan’s body, to where he had a hold of Luhan’s face. “And in so many different ways.” Luhan’s head tilted and Minseok smirked slightly, leaning in close.

“I love you like this,” he said, and brushed his lips across Luhan’s forehead. “Like this,” his eyelashes fluttered against Luhan’s cheek, “like this,” leaving open-mouthed kisses on Luhans cheeks, “and like this.” Minseok used his hold on Luhans face to press their mouths together, lips firm, and soft and warm. He smiles into the the kiss, and Luhan follows suit, stroking Minseok’s sides until he pulls away to press their foreheads together.

A warm thumb stroked across Luhan’s cheekbone and he leaned into the touch, letting out a deep breath when Minseok ran his hands through his dark brown hair.

“You’re the best, Minseok.”

“I know.”

driver roll up the partition please//chankai(fem!kai)//smut//NC-17//1K+
for exopromptmeme originally posted here

Kai adjusted her skirt, tucking long, flowing hair behind an ear and bringing her wrist up to glare at her Cartier watch down her nose. A black benz pulled up in front of her, symbolising the arrival of her boyfriend Chanyeol.

Through the black tinted windows Kai could barely see him lean over to open her door for him, struggling to push the door open when he was so far away.

“Hey babe, ya ready?” He grinned, pulling back to the driver’s side.

“Late. You’re fucking late again,” Kai grumbled, climbing up into the car and slamming the door shut, ignoring Chanyeol’s cringe at the loud sound. She smoothed her hands over her givenchy skirt, pressing out the wrinkles with her fingers. Chanyeol pulled off the curb into the street, immediately hitting traffic.

“Yeah, but I know a way to make it up to you.” He slid his hand into his Gareth Pugh jacket pocket and dropped a small pharmacy bag in Kai’s lap, returning his hand to the steering wheel and tapping it lightly while he waited for the light to turn red.

She knew what it was, it was always the same thing. Not that she minded really, she thought as she pulled out the pack of condoms and small bottle of strawberry lube.

Smirking, Kai looked up to watch Chanyeol’s profile as he drove. He slid a glance over in her direction, winking then returning his eyes to the road. “What do you think?” Her smirk deepened, and she leaned a little closer to him, breath ghosting over his ear.

“I’m in, but let’s make this a little more fun.” There was a hand sliding over onto his seat, passing over his thigh, and finally resting on Chanyeol’s package, flaccid inside his black Gucci jeans. “If you don’t cum until we get there, you can fuck me however and whenever you want for a week. If you can’t make it, you have to buy me that Alexander McQueen dress I’ve been wanting, and no sex for a month. Deal?”

“There” referred to a sketchy 3 story parking garage in an almost suburban part of the city, offering parking to patrons of the small strip of stores it marked. It was where they went to fuck when they both had family at home but needed release. It was almost always deserted, and was the perfect place to go when they had nowhere else they could.

It was quiet for a moment, the distant honking of impatient workers driving home during rush hour in the distance.

“Whenever I want?”

Kai ground the heel of her hand into Chanyeol’s crotch and his jaw dropped, eyes closing in pleasure.

“Whenever you want.”

“Deal. Fucking deal.”

And at that, Kai licked her lips and unzipped his pants, stroking his hardening cock through his black silk boxers.

They hit another red light and Kai decided that would be the perfect opportunity to take it further, so she did, pulling Chanyeol’s dick out of his underwear and dropping her head low to mouth along the shaft.

“Ugh fuck, Kai, that’s cheating you can’t--fuck you’re so good,” Chanyeol’s moaning became incoherent, and he couldn’t tell if he was mad that she was cheating or fucking ecstatic that she was sucking him off.

Probably a mix of both.

There was a little lick at the head of his dick, and soon Kai was swallowing him whole, nose pressed against his skin, lips wrapped tight around the base. She sucked hard as she pulled back, bobbing down again and flicking her tongue around him, moans sending shivers down Chanyeol’s spine.

She set a rhythm, bobbing her head at a steady pace, spit coating his dick and her chin, Chanyeol’s hand coming to rest on her head, adding pressure when she took him all in and stroking her hair as she came up for air. She dropped down again, tongue doing wonders and Chanyeol could feel the heat coiling in the pit of his stomach.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, we’re almost there, goddamnit.” He was frustrated; hot, hard, and so fucking horny. Kai put her mouth on his balls and he let out a deep moan when she fit her thumbnail into the slit of his dick.

Chanyeol turned into the parking garage and drove up to the second floor, choosing a parking spot in the back corner away from all other cars. Kai fixed her hair as she sat back up and they shared a moment of eye contact before Chanyeol lunged forward, devouring her lips.

“Let’s move to the back,” Kai said, before scrambling over her seat to the back seat, pulling off her sweater and tearing off her skirt. Chanyeol followed close behind, shrugging off his jacket and pulling off his own black t-shirt, working his pants down his hips to the ground. They sat close, clad in only their underwear, lips molding together perfectly, skin hot and sensitive when they rubbed up against each other.

Chanyeol broke the kiss to trace his hands down Kai’s torso, face focused on her toned stomach and tiny waist. “You said I get you however you want, right?” Kai nodded, leaning forward to lick along the shell of Chanyeol’s ear. “Ride me.”

Strong arms wrapped around Kai’s waist and Chanyeol pulled her into his lap, leaning down so his back was flat against the seats, Kai perched on his hips. She ground down onto him, letting out a moan of her own, her first taste of pleasure.

She ripped open a condom packet and rolled it down onto Chanyeol’s shaft, finding the lube and spreading some on her palm before stroking him once, twice, three times. She made sure she had eye contact before licking licking off the excess lube obscenely, moaning around her fingers, Chanyeol’s cock twitching under her.

“Get the fuck on with it Kaaaaiiiii,” Chanyeol drew out her name, frustration reaching and all time high, and he tore off her black lace panties (“those were 80 fucking dollars, fuck you”) helped her raise her hips up off him, then slammed her down onto his dick. Kai cried out, fingers grappling on Chanyeol’s chest, and he moaned loudly, already bucking up into her.

Kai swiveled her hips, hands planted firmly on Chanyeol’s chest, and she lifted herself again, letting Chanyeol impale her repeatedly. He took his hold off her hips and moved his hands behind his head, laying back and letting his glorious girlfriend doo all the work for him.

This was fresh, new, both of them used to Chanyeol hooking Kai’s legs over his shoulder and pounding into her so hard she couldn’t sit down comfortably for days after. But this--Chanyeol could barely breathe with Kai on top of his like this.

And it didn’t take long for the heat to reappear. Kai had picked up her pace, bouncing and rolling and Chanyeol was losing control, hands on her hips to aid his bucking hips. Kai tightened around him, slumping over onto him, and he came soon after, filling the condom with his seed and pulling out quickly so none of it leaked.

He tied it off and tossed it out the car window before returning to Kai who was snuggling up next to him.

“That was so good,” she said nosing along his jaw.

“Mm, I can’t believe I get it everyday for a week.”

would you like some milk in your tea?//many pairings//maid cafe,fem!au//pg-13//1.3K

“Baekhyun! Will you help me with my bow?? It came undone,” Sehun stuck out her lower lip, crossing her arms in front of her and looking down at the other other girl with her eyes wide.

“Woooooow, this is some rare Sehun aegyo,” Luhan mumbled around the pins in her mouth, words barely understandable to the other girls getting ready.

“Fuck off ‘Lulu’,” Sehun spat the nickname out, looking down her nose at Luhan with a menacing expression.

Luhan’s small, pink tongue poked out through her lips in response as she fit the last pin into her hair.

“Guys are you ready yet? We open in two minutes,” a low yell broke the girls’ bickering, and Kris’ head popped out from behind the kitchen door, an exasperated expression painting his sharp features.

“Shut UP Kris!’ Chanyeol yelled, stomping out of the locker room to the kitchen where Kris had returned to mixing cake batter and chopping strawberries. “You obviously don’t appreciate the work that goes into being perfect for our customers, so you should take that smart-ass attitude of yours and-”

“Chanyeol, you’ve given me this speech about 20 times, I think you need new material.” The other girls could practically hear Chanyeol steaming, as the room filled with a low collective chuckle.

“Stop bullying her,” a new voice said, as Kyungsoo entered from the back door. Chanyeol returned to the room with her ears and face a pretty crimson color. Quickly, Kyungsoo pulled her uniform from her locker and headed to the staff bathroom to change.

“You’re late,” Sehun yelled after her, voice lost in the tiled hallway.

The Girls stood in front of the pink tiled counter, all lined up in a row, hands clasped in front of them.

The cafe had opened five years previously, started by Jongdae and her cousin Kris. Jongdae had always wanted to work at a maid cafe, having visited them with her sister when she was little and becoming a regular with her friends during high school. For college she had to move to a different city, and had decided to stay there, as she’d fit right in.

Unfortunately though, her new city hadn't had a maid cafe, and Jongdae had found part-time work at a family restaurant too boring and bland.

So obviously, being a business major, she’d decided to start her own.

She knew Chanyeol and Baekhyun from her school, and they’d been eager to help, offering to join the wait staff at her cafe. Kris, her cousin, went to culinary school, and therefore was the perfect person to ask to cook, bake, and mix drinks for the cafe.

As the business went on, more people came to her looking for jobs, and Luhan and Sehun had signed on, another set of cousins working at the cafe. Kyungsoo joined a year ago, and Jongdae felt she finally had the business of her dreams--a cute cafe with cute workers.

The business had built up a lot since then, and was now one of the most popular cafes in the neighbourhood. Children visited, teens visited, it had basically become a family restaurant, just with cuter uniforms, fun theme days and better food.

“It’s go time,” Chanyeol whispered as their first customer of the day walked in the door.

“Welcome home!” They chorused, and Kyungsoo took the lead. It was Joonmyun, one of her regulars.

It was common at maid cafes for customers to request certain wait staff, and that’s just what had happened with Kyungsoo and Joonmyun. His first visit was her first day working, and Jongdae had insisted she wait on him.

Of course Kyungsoo had been flustered and shy, and Joonmyun had been equally nervous, and, feeling each other’s pain, they’d hit it off immediately. Joonmyun started returning more often, and they’d eventually become good friends.

“How about sitting by the window today Joonmyun? It’s nice outside,” Kyungsoo led him away from his usual table in the back corner to one on the other side of the cafe, next to a window with thin, white lace curtains. He followed her like a puppy, eyes occasionally dropping down to her milky thighs and the back of her Very Short Skirt.

“I thought he was a good guy,” Luhan whispered to Sehun. She then shook her head, muttering almost incoherent words of disgust under her breath.

The light tinkle of a small bell sounded when another customer walked in. (“We’ll always be able to hear customers ASAP,” Luhan had said, as she tied it to the door.)

“Oooh, a new customer,” Baekhyun almost mewled, and she bounced over to the tall, mysterious man who’d just walked in.

“Doesn’t look very maid-cafe to me,” Sehun breathed in Luhan’s ear, and the other girl giggled.

His hair was dark red, with the sides shaved, and his outfit consisted of lots of black and leather, topped off with ripped jeans.

Jongdae turned to glare at the two pretty cousins who were blatantly staring, and they looked away sheepishly, because this was a discussion they’d had many times before; the girls of XOXO Maid cafe were not to judge based on appearance.

The day wore on with few more customers and noon found all the girls busy except Luhan. Chanyeol had been with her before, but now she was occupied with a cute hippie type that seemed very sad and kind of out of it.

Luhan watched her giggle and swat his shoulder playfully over her half-finished sudoku from where she stood behind the register. A small sigh escaped her lips before she heard the tinkling of the little bell again and, “Luhan!”

Her head snapped up at the call of her name, and a soft smile spread across her sweet face.

“Minseok!” She pranced over to the short-ish red-headed boy and he enveloped her in a hug, their arms fitting around each other like they were made to do it. The two chatted amiably as Luhan brought him to his regular table, the seat Kyungsoo had sat Joonmyun in earlier that morning

Sehun joined Baekhyun up at the counter, where she stood waiting for Mystery Man (“his name is Tao and he is Very Cute”)’s order.

“They are sooooo dating,” Sehun said, leaning forward onto her elbows on the smooth pink surface.

“When will they admit it though? That;s the real problem here,” Baekhyun tsked, and their eyes followed Luhan and Minseok as they sat down together. Minseok had been coming to the cafe since it first opened, but he hadn’t really clicked with any of the staff until Luhan had started working there.

They became close almost instantly.

The two girls watched when Luhan giggled at something Minseok said and he reached over to pinch her pink cheeks, eliciting another giggle.

“Yeah she definitely likes him, she doesn’t let anyone touch her face.” Sehun’s dark brown eyes rolled, but she blushed a bit herself when a new customer entered the small cafe.

“Sehunnie~” a warm smile instantly lit up the customer’s face, showing bright white teeth contrasting with smooth, tan skin.

“Jongin! Welcome home,” Sehun greeted, and she tugged lightly on his hand when he reached forward to tuck a soft brown curl behind her ear.

“And you, Sehun, have the exact same problem,” Baekhyun said to Sehun’s back.

Jongin threw an arm over her shoulder and Sehun pushed against his chest playfully, not really wanting him to tuck it back next to his body.

“One Strawberry Love Parfait for you, Baekhyun.” Baekhyun took the snack and headed back to where Tao sat, staring at his phone. He smiled tentatively when she approached, returning his phone to his pocket and accepting his order with a bigger smile.

There weren’t many customers today, so each maid was able to sit down with her patron, talking and laughing as they ate.

“You’ve really done well here, Jongdae,” Kris leaned onto the counter where he delivered orders, timer ticking away, waiting for a cake to bake back in the kitchen.

“I know,” she said, surveying the tables where her staff carried conversations with the customers effortlessly. “I know.”

Starry Eyed//hunhan//pg-13//430

Sehun shifted lower in his seat. Some kid on the other side of the cafe kept looking over at him. Did he recognize him? Hopefully not.

Sehun was a member of the popular rookie group Wolf, and although they had just debuted, they had gained popularity rapidly, and as a result were barely able to go anywhere without being recognized. It was Sehun's day off and he just wanted to spend a few relaxing hours at a cafe dammit, but - oh. Oh no. The boy from the table across the cafe had stood up and was now approaching the table where Sehun was sat by himself, double espresso in a small cup next to the MacBook resting in front of him.

"Um excuse me. Sorry if I'm being rude, but you look a little like a member of my favorite band. Would you mind taking a picture with me so I can tell my friend that I met you--him? I hope I'm not asking too much..." He had a light Chinese accent. Cute. But--wait...did this kid not recognize him?

"What band is this guy from?" Sehun sat up a bit straighter in his seat. Up close, this guy wasn't bad looking. And he looked close to Sehun's own age, maybe 17 or 18, 16 at least.

"It's called Wolf? You might not have heard of them, but they're pretty popular. You look like their member Sehun... but something's a bit different." Sehun smirked at this, wondering what could look so different about him in real life.

"I think I've heard that name before. What's different about me though?"

The boy took a second to think, tapping his chin with a thin finger. "Maybe your nose? Yeah it's definitely the nose." Sehun laughed inwardly as the boy got out his phone. "So can I have a picture?"

Sehun nodded and the boy crouched down next to him. They both held up a peace sign and the boy thanked Sehun before putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Sorry, I don't think I got your name?" Sehun asked. The boy obviously liked him (even if he didn't know it), so why not try to pick him up?

"Oh! I'm Luhan, it was nice meeting you." He looked into Sehun's eyes and grinned brightly.

"Could I have your number?" Was that too forward? Nah.

"Um, yeah." Luhan blushed before taking his phone out of his bag again. They traded phones, each entering their number into the others.

"By the way," Sehun smirked before handing Luhan's phone back, "My name is Sehun."

chankai, hunhan, drabble, fanfic, sekai, exo, xiuhan

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