Feb 14, 2008 18:46
Happy Single's Awareness Day everyone!
Right, this is chapter two of my story Change of Heart over on FFN. I'll get aroung to putting it in an LJcut and putting the first chapter up here when I have access to a real computer with actual copypaste. ...and spellcheck.
On with it!
Forte looked around the empty room before linking out. It had been a week now, and it was time to get to work.
The area he appeared in was mostly empty, save for a digital representation of one chair in the center.
This chair - a Pulse Transmission System - was why he was here. The PTS scans the electromagnetic pulces in the user's brain and converts them into a virutal avatar, ecentally allowing a human to appear on and interact with the network without the aid of a netnavi. This particular one was an old model, mearly a prototype, and had been all but forgotten by the world. Prefer for his purposes.
He sat to work clearing up the system. He started sifting through the subsystem; ediing some and deleting others.
Hours later he stepped back to examine his work. The PTS chair was now mostly functional. Some of the thoer systems needing some fine tuning, bu that could be done later.
frte linked back into Netto's computer and was surprised to find the room empty. He checked the time to be sure and frowned; Netto should have been back hours ago, yet there was no sign anyone had been in the room all day.
He checked the local news forcasts for anythingthat might have held the boy up, buit was unable to find anything.
He closed the search and stormed out to lood for himself. Danm brat. Probably got himself kidnapped or something.
Forte stsrted his search at the school, which was fortunate, and that's where Neto was. It semed someone had broken into the school and locked down the whole network. Discovering why was a simple matter of scanning the network for anything out of the ordinary. Burried deep in the network, and under more protection than most of the files at the Science Labs - and he should know, having helped refine most of the original firewalls - was a program hew couldn't even begin to scan without direct access.
Now why would something like that be in a school?
He paid no mind to the navi trying - and failing - to sneek up on him. That is, untill th fool tried to attack him. The weak buster shots exploded harmlessly against his cloak, but they did creat and decently sized dust cloud, giving his attacker the illision of victory.
This illision was quckly shattered when he reappared behind he navi. He was slightly disapponted to find that his would-be attacker was mearly a standard Alpha model. A simple Explosion was all it took to delete the Alpha and he continued towords his goal.
Unknown to Forte, at this exact moment the opperator of said Alpha model had planed to have his navi appear on every screen in the school and give the obligatory 'bad guy' speech. So he was understandably suprised when, instead of a speach, the entire school was given front row seats to see his navi get busted into oblivion.
One child in room A-2 was still staring at the blackboard-sceen in surprise. Forte? Did you just ...save me? He wanted even more now to get home so he could talk to Forte.
Meanwhile, Forte had just arived at the mysterious program. The firewalls he had noted before weren't as powerful as they had first appeared. Though they did require passcodes dozens of characters long, they had fallen easily under the force of an Earth Breaker attack.
The officials arived just in time to see the Black Shadow leave witht eh powerful Model A upgrade program.
Netto ran home as soon as he was released and hurried straight to his room. eager to talk to Forte. Thus hes has disappointed when he saw that Forte weas not in his computer.
Forte was in fact back at the lab with the PTS chair. The program he had stolen was the 'Model A' upgrade program and research notes. The Model A was designed to upgrade the standard Alpha models in a way similar to his own Get Ability program. The power boost had proven to be too much for the Alpha's primitve AI, causing it to go berserk, and the project had been abandoned. Why it had been kept in a school? No idea.
The Model A worked much like his own Get ability program, except it copied the form of a defeated opponent and allowed the user to move between these forms through a process called A-trans, rather than coping abilities used against him.
Forte loaded the Model A into the blank figure sitting on the chair - a default navi with no AI used when someone used the PTS without attaching a PET. He turned and linked out. Now he just had to get Netto here.
Yeah, lots of technobabble. And yes, that's Model A from MMZXA. That's all I have to say now, though I do have one question. I know all of Forte's attacks except for two. Does anyone know what his Banishing World attack looks like? Or that name of the where he basicly chucks a Darkness Overload at you? By the way, 19 reviews at time of typing this! Thank you! That's more than I usually get after three chapters!