Dec 10, 2007 15:49
I think every time I have logged into livejournal to actually write a post, it asks me if I'd like to restore from a draft. Inevitably, the post that I previously shunned was fiercely political or emotional or something. Part of me wishes I'd take that and make good entries. The other part is really glad I didn't actually post that.
So today I left work early so I could use Caitlin's computer while she is at work and get stuff done on my papers. I only have one paper (6 pages) and one test left, and one to proofread before e-mailing away. I haven't even been able to focus on the one that's finished just to e-mail it.
I am so close. I just need to churn out 6 pages of bullshit about stuff I never bothered to learn and then... oh, I don't even care about that test.
Sitting here is nice and warm and does not require movement beyond my eyelids and my fingers, and even those are beginning to fail me.
Why does brown construction paper not exist? Doesn't anyone make hand-turkeys anymore?
I had a really good performance evaluation at work today. My office manager had nothing negative to say about me and said that I manage to cheer a lot of people up, which I believe offsets the slight criticism (that she didn't even voice) that I may perhaps tend to kind of chat slightly a little too much.
But really, we all saw that coming.
On the other hand, she definitely thought I was graduating next semester. Which temporarily relieved me from having to commit to future plans but still was somewhat weird. Not really weird but I am too out of it to figure out a better word. I also got a raise, which was awesome (and larger than expected), but no where near enough to keep me there post-graduation.
so close,
brown construction paper,
i will not be a professional file clerk