Feb 26, 2007 15:42
And then sometimes, life just sucks.
Sometimes you accidentally live in the worst neighborhood in South Philly.
Sometimes, while your landlord is trying to figure out -- in the midst of a snowstorm -- why your heat doesn't work, your obnoxious horrible douche bag of a neighbor begins to verbally abuse you and your roommates because HE can't parallel park and HE hit Sarah's car.
Sometimes, you call the police because you just can't take it anymore and sometimes the cops they send you are the two most useless men on the planet.
And then sometimes you cannot fall asleep until 6am and then have about 25 consecutive nightmares, half of which are rehashing an event you would rather not fucking rehash.
And then you don't leave your bed until Tuesday. Except maybe to eat brownies.
Btw, new lj icon. It's adorable. I was feeling pretty guilty about missing Matt so much, but then I decided that that's stupid. I can still ridicule people who can't breathe without their significant others and not be hypocritical. Because you know what? Fuck y'all. All those stupid boyfriend girls and girlfriend boys have no idea what it is to actually need someone. They are just weak and dependent because of that weakness. There is a huge difference between being weak personality-wise and being weak situationally.
Not to mention I only get to talk to Matt for about ten minutes a day and then it's basically him telling me all sorts of shit I don't understand about the material he's learning and me trying to be supportive and not talk about anything that might distract him. Which is everything. I started to tell him what happened with Douche Bag and he asked me to stop because he was feeling what he thought might be a panic attack coming on. Not that he's ever had one. But I'm not going to push it.
douche bag,