(no subject)

Apr 16, 2008 14:54

Basic Info
Name: Alzbeta though I prefer Shinrin
Mother tongue: Slovak
also very comfortable with: English, German, Czech

Language(s) I'm learning: Japanese (currently), Itlaian (from time to time, it depends on my mood)

Skill level:
English: fluent
German: fluent
Czech: like a native speaker
Japanese: pasive I speak in simple sentences, but when I hear something I understand most of that
Italian: I understand most of it but can´t say a word

interested to learn: Sanskrit, Korean, actually all languages that catch my fancy :D

Can people contact you if they want to practice your mother tongue? Yes.
Email address: shinrin at azet dot sk
ICQ: 237 987 258 but first contact me through @

Anything else about yourself you'd like to add:
I would like to learn dead languages too ^v^
I like to learn languages because I like to read untranslated books etc. I also like to read manga, watch documentary series etc.

japanese, german, sanskrit, korean, slovak, czech, english, italian

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