Feb 06, 2005 21:39
Just a question for the general public.
Ok, so to destroy zombies you destroy the brain, because the instinctual part of the brain is what is controlling them. But in order for your brain to function, at all, it needs a fresh blood supply.
Now then if this zombie is missing an arm, and or has a hole blown through its stomach, how much blood is getting to it's brain? My guess is that next to no blood is getting to it's brain, which would imply, to me, that the instinctual controls of the brain would not be able to function as a result of no blood. Also how are they moving their limbs if no blood is pumping through them?
Ok so basically the zombie design is flawed here, because even if they are "undead" some part of the brain is controlling them and thus they need blood to be pumping through their body. So if the zombie is whole, and not bleeding out of multiple orifices I can buy that it would be able to move, and function, in zombie-appropriate ways.
However, if blood is rapidly exiting their body through horror-movie-esque wounds then I cannot possibly accept them attacking people in hordes.
And no, eating fresh blood would not count as a sufficient blood supply (it would go to their stomach, not their brain).