I haven't updated in forever. Thanks and kudos to the two people who have (as I requested) pestered me about this. Sorry it took so long to get from the pestering to the writing stage.
Alas I cannot remember a great deal of what's been going on in my life since I last updated.
So, the high-lights/just about everything I've recalled in no particular order;
Fun night out with
insane_nurse and The Gays on the eve of his payday - pedantry minimal since Neil threatened to kill me with a spoon.
chrome_cherry's birthday. Including an pleasant meal at a cheap Italian restaurant, and the ever bizzare company I've come to expect.
Christmas panic. Which included the nice moments of running into people I hardly ever see whilst running around shopping and panicking because no-one has any presents for anyone and Christmas is less than a week away.
A student night out that
insane_nurse was performing cabaret for as Sister Jenny Rator, and Muffy was DJing. Which was good drunken fun
I've discovered the wonderous tv series that is Heroes and promptly downloaded and devoured it so quickly that none of my friends, who discovered the show before me, can geek out about it with me for fear of spoilers... Hurry the heck up guys!
Can I just say that I dislike present buying. Its always so difficult. Although I found it rather easier to find cool/fun presents for my friends than my family. Which just served to remind me how much closer I am to my friends than anyone I'm related to. This really doesn't bother me as much as most people seem to think it should.
I ended up travelling back to Peterborough after a three night stint at work then couldn't sleep at all that day (Sunday) resulted in some wacky sleeping funtimes for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Tonight I shall be going out for drinks and catch up with the one person from Peterborough I still stay in touch with. So that should be nice.
I'm done now I think.